Monday, December 31, 2012
Correction - Les Mis is not a Musical. It is an Opera. Thank the Lord for my sister. Good to learn something new every day.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Les Miserables
Just saw Les Mis with some friends. Best movie I have ever seen. I don't know if it is because I am pregnant but it was the most intense emotions throughout an entire movie I have ever experienced. WOW! Now only to convince my husband that it is not what he thinks when he thinks of Musical. He brought up "Sound of Music" when I mentioned this and was totally uninterested. Not what he thinks and I wouldn't ask him to watch it unless I know he would love it. Farthest from a chick musical there could be.
Also, husband brought me on a sweet day date for my birthday which was a few days ago, thanks to him for being so sweet with me today and to my in-laws for watching Matthew.
Also, husband brought me on a sweet day date for my birthday which was a few days ago, thanks to him for being so sweet with me today and to my in-laws for watching Matthew.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The Help
Tonight I watched "The Help" with a friend. Those maids made for such sweet caregivers to children. So sweet. It reminded me of something my friend with teenagers told me not too long ago.
"The best parenting advice I can give you Denise. Well. I was perfectionist with my children. I expected too much of them, and I am really starting to see the negative effects of it now. So really, all you have to worry about is being the sweetest mother you can possibly be"
Ah! I never want to forget that advice.
"The best parenting advice I can give you Denise. Well. I was perfectionist with my children. I expected too much of them, and I am really starting to see the negative effects of it now. So really, all you have to worry about is being the sweetest mother you can possibly be"
Ah! I never want to forget that advice.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Today I was napping and a little while later I hear my door open up and little feet running to my bed with my husband carrying hot chocolate to me. He picks Matthew up and Matthew crawls his way across my bed and on his way over says "Ma?....Ma?"
"Yes Matthew?"
He then gives me a big hug and cuddles up to me saying "I wuv"
That was his first time he told me he loved me without him just repeating us.
I never really thought about the moment coming, and it was one of the best moments of my life.
"Yes Matthew?"
He then gives me a big hug and cuddles up to me saying "I wuv"
That was his first time he told me he loved me without him just repeating us.
I never really thought about the moment coming, and it was one of the best moments of my life.
The one thing I am hoping to remember with this baby is flexibility. After a year of trying to figure Matthew out, I learned how fast they change things up all the time. And I am learning that you can't always stick with what you say you will do with a child, because sometimes you just have to go with the flow of that child. I was all set to potty train Matthew this month and I was all talk about it. This month has ended up being an extremely emotional month for Matthew. I no for a fact that adding potty training on top of all that will only frustrate myself and him and it is not worth it. He is going through a little phase and I can't even leave the room to go to the bathroom without tears, and he seems to be having separation anxiety a bit with Mike. ( he sure loves his dad) Anyways, my huge pregnant belly is more than happy not to rush him to the potty anyways and so I believe my beginning nursing days with this next guy might be more relaxed too. Anyways, instead of potty training, this is what we focus on lately. Cars. I am telling you. it was like a switch went on in his little brain how fun cars are and it is what we do for hours. It is cute. And there is lots of crashing involved.
And can we all just notice how amazing those thighs are? And how he lines up his cars before he pushes them across his little city there.
And can we all just notice how amazing those thighs are? And how he lines up his cars before he pushes them across his little city there.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
these silly practice contractions have been keeping me up for over an hour so far in the middle of the night. NO. not the really thing which im thankful for cuz you should see all the laundry i have to wash and i dont have my bag packed. and i need some of that laundry that is not washed for my bag. and my sister REALLY needs me to watch one of her kiddos the next few days for a wedding AND my mom is sick. but you better believe i didnt wake my husband to tell him i cant sleep cuz of them. that man would be up and about, shoveling snow, packing a bag, calling off work, doing laundry, etc. i cant quite convince him that these could last for a few weeks. he gets really ahead of himself when it comes to this kind of thing. or on the other hand, laundry does need to get done!!! hmmmmm......
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Let It Snow
Thankful for a little bit of snow right now. I know. I am crazy for saying that. But really. It is so important for our economy that we get a cold winter and some snow this year. I know Im not the one out shoveling, and I have a husband that really isn't all for me driving either with being so late in my pregnancy, but we NEED this so bad. The farmers need this to kill off the bugs. With such a mild winter last year, it would be really bad if we didn't get cold and snow this year. And for anyone around here who hates the snow, be thankful it is South East Michigan and we really don't get tons. I don't remember many heavy years of snow in the almost 10 years I have lived here. I guess it is all relative though from where you grow up.
THANKS husband for working so hard out there while I sit in here and right a blog about how much we need this. And for getting up even before your normal 4:30 am to shovel again. You sure are awesome!
THANKS husband for working so hard out there while I sit in here and right a blog about how much we need this. And for getting up even before your normal 4:30 am to shovel again. You sure are awesome!
Monday, December 24, 2012
The Third Year
This is the third year in a row that my darling friend, Stefanie, and I have had Christmas Eve breakfast together. I think I'm allowed to call it a tradition now. Matthew joined us this year. It is one of my favorite parts of the Christmas season now. I am so thankful for her in tons of ways.
Merry Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas Eve!
Saturday, December 22, 2012
I have honestly been so majorly focused on baby coming that Christmas has just crept up on me and I don't feel quite ready or festive enough. But the beautiful thing is that Christmas isn't about anything other than celebrating the fact the God would come into this world so humbly, as a baby in a manger. The most simple way you could probably make your entrance. So I guess going off of that, it will be a simple Christmas for us and that is ok. Remembering to focus on what is really important.
Matthew came up to me today and said....
" God.........Jesus"
I then asked him to tell me about Jesus.....he looked at me and said.. "Cheeeeese"
One day he will add "Holy Spirit" to the trinity....but for now... God, Jesus, and cheese are related somehow.
Merry Almost Christmas.
Matthew came up to me today and said....
" God.........Jesus"
I then asked him to tell me about Jesus.....he looked at me and said.. "Cheeeeese"
One day he will add "Holy Spirit" to the trinity....but for now... God, Jesus, and cheese are related somehow.
Merry Almost Christmas.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Chiropractor
I had my friend and her kiddos over today. Little Aiden (2.5 yrs) wanted to pray at lunch.
Aiden: "God. Thank you for the Chiropractor"
hahaha. so cute.
Aiden: "God. Thank you for the Chiropractor"
hahaha. so cute.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
When I Came Home
Matthew and I spent three days in Ohio with my parents. When I came home I walked into a very clean house, organized closets, a set up nursery. What a man I have, he did so much nesting for me. Then he played super hard with Matthew and let me take a 3 hour nap. Wow. When I woke up he took us out to dinner. When we came home he gave Matthew his bath as usual, we put him to bed, cuddled and watched some TV, and then he massaged my neck and shoulders. Not a bad day! I'm more than thankful over here. I really needed this restful day. I haven't been feeling too great lately and am just really warn out. So I'm glad I have a man like him.
Rooted Love
The other night I was in bed, trying to sleep, and all I could think about was what happened in CT and then my mind went crazy. I mean, I was there crying just thinking about losing a child. If my heart could hurt that bad just imagining it, I couldn't even fathom how I would care about living on if it actually happened. Then I just thought of all those families that actually did lose their children, and who do every day. I felt little comfort, and frankly, I just needed a miracle from God to show me that he is stronger and bigger than all this death and tragedy THEN, I saw this man give a speech, the day after his daughter was killed in the shootings. I was completely humbled. The words and love coming out of this man are literally impossible on a human level. ONLY by the deep rooted love of God could he do this. I have seen miracles. I have seen the lame walk, broken bones healed on the spot, scoliosis corrected beneath my hand with just a word of prayer, but THIS, THIS, is more than a miracle to me. This mans roots are deep and he just let God do supernatural things through him. Please listen to him speak. While anger is such a normal emotion right now, and not bad to have. Love is what will overcome evil. It's the only way.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Those Babies
Ah! Those kids, those babies, in Connecticut. Those little kids in just elementary school are still such babies. My heart hurts. And while it's easy to focus on the bad guys, cause we are all about giving attention to the bad guys, Oh dear Lord those Moms and Dads and those scared teachers and kids. I want to hug them so tight I can squeeze the pain and memory out. Which just won't happen. I cannot imagine losing a child.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Google Family
Thank you Google and the ability to video chat with more than one person. For being part of a super close family who likes to talk to each other all the time, this is awesome. We are geographically seperated but we all like to be together at one time, so we got to be today minus a few members. The little hands are Zechariah showing us ladies how his toys were wrestling each other. I got to do this for an hour and a half. Great boost to my day for sure.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Home Birth
The other night it crossed my mind to have a home birth. We totally are not going to. It isn't quite our thing, yet. =) I honestly think I will be more relaxed in a hospital for some strange reason. I dunno why, it might be the Turkey Sandwiches there. Anyways, it crossed my mind because the other night Matthew woke up in the middle of the night. I went in and he was sitting in the corner of his crib, clenching his bear so tight, with tears streaming down his face, crying "mama mama". Needless to say, I would have held him all night if he would have let me and killed whatever scared him with my mama bear hands. So, I do NOT want to leave him overnight. I know we have to, but I can't handle the thought of that happening while I am gone. I know he will be ok, but I sure will be happy when our family is all home together after the hospital stay. Gosh, do I love my little Matthew!
And 3.5 weeks or so. Little newborn smells and lip pursing and cuddles and sleeper outfits are gonna be all over this house. =) eeeee!
And 3.5 weeks or so. Little newborn smells and lip pursing and cuddles and sleeper outfits are gonna be all over this house. =) eeeee!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
They Won
Not only did they win in their category but Katie and MoreThanMe won the $1 million Grand Prize on the Chase American Giving Awards on NBC. So proud of that girl. I remember her sitting on my bathroom sink in my tiny Royal Oak apartment telling me she wanted to start a non-profit but she was too scared. And now this! It is amazing what a person can do to change the world. So inspired right now. I would have been happy for whoever one, but it's cool to see it with someones story you know and the love and passion behind it. So many little girls are going to get off the streets now and have an education. That is what it is all about!
Ah. My friend, Katie Meyler, is on NBC's American Giving Awards right now hoping for an award for her Non Profit called More Than Me.
So proud of her that she got picked to be a nominee.
So proud of her that she got picked to be a nominee.
This Week
A few favorites this week. Ummm, our mom's group kids pancake christmas pajama party. YES PLEASE. So cute and fun. we all brought our kids over to my friends in their PJ's and had pancakes, donuts, juice, fruit, and on and on. then we did a little gift exchange. it was darling to see all the kiddos in their pjs sitting around a table and eating great food and loving it.
i went to the soccer game today with my dad. very special day. wambach and morgan. great to see them live. you know its good soccer when you have no advice to throw out to them during the game and you notice even the tiniest mistake because not many mistakes happen.
FOUR WEEKS! 4 weeks and I am a mom of two. I cannot wait to meet him. I'm honestly going through a lot right now, remembering labor and the lack of sleep and trying to get past my fears of it all. But I believe that this time around will be different and I will be much more relaxed, I hope. I cannot wait till our first week together as a family when Mike will be off work. But my great husband has been so awesome. I'm really running low on energy, not keeping my dinner down at night, and really doing NOTHING around the house in the evening. I don't remember my wrists hurting at the end of a pregnant day. But Michael just keeps telling me not to worry about it and to just get on the couch and rest, even when he knows I have the time to get stuff done, he doesn't care that I rest instead. So sweet of him. I really don't take it for granted. I have a really hard time near the end of pregnancy since I really like to be active. And it feels especially hard since I can tell Matthew is frustrated sometimes with my lack of energy to tackle, and run around with him like I used to have. I am so thankful for this time I get to have the little boy in my womb, but it will be good to be able to have my mobility back for Matthew again. I miss playing hard with him.
All that to say, this time in life is crazy to me and I cannot believe it is all happening. It honestly feels like just yesterday I thought Matthew was never going to come out of me during labor, and now I am doing it another time around but with a different boy. WOW! WHAT? Two of them! wow.
Just so thankful!
i went to the soccer game today with my dad. very special day. wambach and morgan. great to see them live. you know its good soccer when you have no advice to throw out to them during the game and you notice even the tiniest mistake because not many mistakes happen.
FOUR WEEKS! 4 weeks and I am a mom of two. I cannot wait to meet him. I'm honestly going through a lot right now, remembering labor and the lack of sleep and trying to get past my fears of it all. But I believe that this time around will be different and I will be much more relaxed, I hope. I cannot wait till our first week together as a family when Mike will be off work. But my great husband has been so awesome. I'm really running low on energy, not keeping my dinner down at night, and really doing NOTHING around the house in the evening. I don't remember my wrists hurting at the end of a pregnant day. But Michael just keeps telling me not to worry about it and to just get on the couch and rest, even when he knows I have the time to get stuff done, he doesn't care that I rest instead. So sweet of him. I really don't take it for granted. I have a really hard time near the end of pregnancy since I really like to be active. And it feels especially hard since I can tell Matthew is frustrated sometimes with my lack of energy to tackle, and run around with him like I used to have. I am so thankful for this time I get to have the little boy in my womb, but it will be good to be able to have my mobility back for Matthew again. I miss playing hard with him.
All that to say, this time in life is crazy to me and I cannot believe it is all happening. It honestly feels like just yesterday I thought Matthew was never going to come out of me during labor, and now I am doing it another time around but with a different boy. WOW! WHAT? Two of them! wow.
Just so thankful!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
I started watching "More Business of Being Born" yesterday. I really like being informed about the process of birth and all the reasons for the interventions that they do. They were interviewing these famous midwives that work on a farm that woman come to to give natural births. I know it sounds all hippie. But my gosh, they have a 1.7% C-section rate and the one midwife has not had a woman need an episiotomy in 25 years. Hospitals have about a 30% C-section rate. I also learned that since 1982 Maternal death rates have doubled in the USA. DOUBLED? WOW. What crazy statistics.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Trading Trades
My sister and I have been realizing that we enjoy different things and are good at different things, and well, we are using it to both of our advantages. So while I am crafting a bunch of her Christmas decorations, she has painted a dresser for us. I HATE painting furniture, and she does not prefer to craft really, or never has really loved it. When I had a craft night at my house with her she ended up drinking wine while I sewed everything. And well, I painted one dresser a year ago and never want to do that again. It's great. Well, we are taking a big step. It may not work. But I LOVE organizing and I LOVE cleaning over cooking. I'm not terrible at cooking, it is just not my passion. I like clean, and cooking makes a mess. And cooking and grocery shopping stress me out to the max. My sister on the other hand is overwhelmed with keeping her house up with 3 little little kids and has a huge passion for cooking. She is great at it. Well, we are going to attempt to trade trades. I give her money for dinners, and she preps and cooks my dinners, while Mike and I spend a morning with Matthew at her house when her and her kids are gone and get things off her cleaning and organizing to do list, and Ill probably take her clean laundry to fold at my house once a week or so. I'm telling you, Mike and I are so excited. We both love to clean and organize, and we both get so frustrated with cooking, and it is totally opposite with my sister and her husband. We all can't wait. This may not work, but we are going to try it. No one can resist my sisters cooking, it's healthy and she knows good deals, and I get super excited when I get to organize. SO! Trading Trades. Ill keep my blog updated on how it actually goes.
Also, I'm 35 weeks. Just about the time my baby feels like he has built an addition to his little home inside of me. And he built the extra room in my lungs. There is a baby in there for sure.
Also, I'm 35 weeks. Just about the time my baby feels like he has built an addition to his little home inside of me. And he built the extra room in my lungs. There is a baby in there for sure.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Oh So Soon and a Gift
I feel like I am blogging so much recently. But I feel like there is so much anticipation and happenings with the baby coming soon and Christmas season here. And since I have been up later due to heartburn and now some restless leg syndrome, I just have that extra bit of time after Mike is in bed to write.
But oh so soon is this baby coming. I just realized how soon that actually is and than thought about how he has to come into this world. (sigh) I haven't put too much thought into it being busier with Matthew these days, but now that I am thinking about it, oh dear! Ouch! The only way I am OK with doing this is because I get a perfect little life out of the whole thing.
On a less painful note, my husband just bought my Christmas present early (of course) but he kinda had to tell me. And we snuck in a treat for my dad too. Yeah. I actually have been emotional, cuz it is kind of a childhood dream come true. My dad and I are going to see the Woman's USA soccer team play China next weekend. Like, the actual Gold medal Olympic Woman's soccer team. I have played soccer for as long as I can remember and I read book after book about all the players (back in the Mia Hamm days) and I wanted everything to do with the USA ladies. Oh My Gosh. He bought the tickets and we have sweet seats. And I think the best part is that I get to go with my dad. The guy who supported me all the way, one of the best soccer players I have ever known, and who coached even some of my summer teams. He loves the game so much and is a brilliant player and I just am so excited to share it with him. No one else I'd rather go with to be honest. Thanks Mike for our gift. Oh happy lady and her dad over here.
But oh so soon is this baby coming. I just realized how soon that actually is and than thought about how he has to come into this world. (sigh) I haven't put too much thought into it being busier with Matthew these days, but now that I am thinking about it, oh dear! Ouch! The only way I am OK with doing this is because I get a perfect little life out of the whole thing.
On a less painful note, my husband just bought my Christmas present early (of course) but he kinda had to tell me. And we snuck in a treat for my dad too. Yeah. I actually have been emotional, cuz it is kind of a childhood dream come true. My dad and I are going to see the Woman's USA soccer team play China next weekend. Like, the actual Gold medal Olympic Woman's soccer team. I have played soccer for as long as I can remember and I read book after book about all the players (back in the Mia Hamm days) and I wanted everything to do with the USA ladies. Oh My Gosh. He bought the tickets and we have sweet seats. And I think the best part is that I get to go with my dad. The guy who supported me all the way, one of the best soccer players I have ever known, and who coached even some of my summer teams. He loves the game so much and is a brilliant player and I just am so excited to share it with him. No one else I'd rather go with to be honest. Thanks Mike for our gift. Oh happy lady and her dad over here.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
My Boys
34.5 weeks!
I feel great. But its that time in pregnancy where I am up way too late because if I lay down all the food from the day creeps up my throat in acid form, so I just wait for it to settle down while I blog, clean, read, and work on Christmas presents for the little ones in my life.
Oh. and yes. less than 6 weeks till I'm due, meaning pretty soon I will have both my boys in my arms.
I know Matthew is going to love his little brother. And Matthew's communication has drastically changed in the last 2 weeks. I mean, this boy says double the amount of words, is starting to say his alphabet, recognizing letters, memorizing his books, trying to count, asking for specific foods by name, oh and so much more. It has been so helpful on both ends. He is loving talking so much, and it is fabulous. He started to walk around, pointing at things and saying, "what's this?"
I think this will help him out so much for when the baby comes so I can better understand his needs. Oh, happy 20 months to him today!
When I had the flu I was so overwhelmed and asked myself why oh why did I ever think I could take care of two kids and that I am totally not ready for the baby to come. Why is it when you are sick you can never foresee recovery? But now that I am better I feel like super mom and can't wait! Woohoo! It's gonna be me and my boys (that includes my husband)
side note: i was on the heart monitor for the baby for 20 minutes and his heart rate is totally normal. But is on the lowest end of normal. Apparently he has no care in the world hanging out in my womb. Oh dear. Is he gonna be a late arrival? It must be pretty relaxing in there. Being warm, naked, and fed through your belly button. what more could a guy ask for?
I feel great. But its that time in pregnancy where I am up way too late because if I lay down all the food from the day creeps up my throat in acid form, so I just wait for it to settle down while I blog, clean, read, and work on Christmas presents for the little ones in my life.
Oh. and yes. less than 6 weeks till I'm due, meaning pretty soon I will have both my boys in my arms.
I know Matthew is going to love his little brother. And Matthew's communication has drastically changed in the last 2 weeks. I mean, this boy says double the amount of words, is starting to say his alphabet, recognizing letters, memorizing his books, trying to count, asking for specific foods by name, oh and so much more. It has been so helpful on both ends. He is loving talking so much, and it is fabulous. He started to walk around, pointing at things and saying, "what's this?"
I think this will help him out so much for when the baby comes so I can better understand his needs. Oh, happy 20 months to him today!
When I had the flu I was so overwhelmed and asked myself why oh why did I ever think I could take care of two kids and that I am totally not ready for the baby to come. Why is it when you are sick you can never foresee recovery? But now that I am better I feel like super mom and can't wait! Woohoo! It's gonna be me and my boys (that includes my husband)
side note: i was on the heart monitor for the baby for 20 minutes and his heart rate is totally normal. But is on the lowest end of normal. Apparently he has no care in the world hanging out in my womb. Oh dear. Is he gonna be a late arrival? It must be pretty relaxing in there. Being warm, naked, and fed through your belly button. what more could a guy ask for?
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
This Season
I was reminded about a few things that come with this winter and Christmas season.
THE FLU: "My dad said he will play with me when he has more egnery (translated: energy)" - Zechariah.
CHOCOLATE: I took Matthew and Zechariah to Tim Hortons yesterday. It was so much fun.
ME: " Zechariah. Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich?"
Z: " Well no aunt Denise. I don't like cheese anymore"
Z: "Because I like chocolate now"
PEOPLE: Isn't this season supposed to be about the posture of our hearts toward others? A conversation with my sister and her husband reminded me of that.
NICOLE: Denise. I saw this woman at the store being walked out in handcuffs.
DENISE: Oh, shucks.
NICOLE: It made me so sad. I just wanted to go and give her a hug. I'm sure she did something to deserve every bit of her punishment. But I just wanted to hug her and tell her it is going to be OK that that she can be forgiven. I don't know, it just struck me that there is something so........
ERIC: .....human about it?
NICOLE: Yeah, she is an actual person. She made a mistake but she is a human life.
PIE: I asked Matthew the other day what he wanted for breakfast. He responded, "pie". Thank you Thanksgiving! So cute though.
MIKE: Oh, it bugs me so much now when all the house cleaning isn't done at night.
DENISE: Since when? You never let it bother you.
MIKE: Since you are 6 weeks from having a baby and I don't want you to think you have to do it all.
(Yes. I'll keep him)
Happy Christmas Season! Hope the flu passes you by and you enjoy people and chocolate and PIE!
THE FLU: "My dad said he will play with me when he has more egnery (translated: energy)" - Zechariah.
CHOCOLATE: I took Matthew and Zechariah to Tim Hortons yesterday. It was so much fun.
ME: " Zechariah. Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich?"
Z: " Well no aunt Denise. I don't like cheese anymore"
Z: "Because I like chocolate now"
PEOPLE: Isn't this season supposed to be about the posture of our hearts toward others? A conversation with my sister and her husband reminded me of that.
NICOLE: Denise. I saw this woman at the store being walked out in handcuffs.
DENISE: Oh, shucks.
NICOLE: It made me so sad. I just wanted to go and give her a hug. I'm sure she did something to deserve every bit of her punishment. But I just wanted to hug her and tell her it is going to be OK that that she can be forgiven. I don't know, it just struck me that there is something so........
ERIC: .....human about it?
NICOLE: Yeah, she is an actual person. She made a mistake but she is a human life.
PIE: I asked Matthew the other day what he wanted for breakfast. He responded, "pie". Thank you Thanksgiving! So cute though.
MIKE: Oh, it bugs me so much now when all the house cleaning isn't done at night.
DENISE: Since when? You never let it bother you.
MIKE: Since you are 6 weeks from having a baby and I don't want you to think you have to do it all.
(Yes. I'll keep him)
Happy Christmas Season! Hope the flu passes you by and you enjoy people and chocolate and PIE!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Snow Day
Mike got 3 hours of sleep and I am just getting over the stomach bug and Matthew was so excited about the first snow apparently, that he woke up at 4:30am and never went back to sleep. But we are not going to let this day defeat us and we have enjoyed listening to Matthew say snow for the first time. And I am just happy we are all home together today enjoying the first snow and to take turns napping. So excited that he gets to enjoy it this year.
AND. Happy Birthday Mom Murphy! You're awesome.
AND. Happy Birthday Mom Murphy! You're awesome.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
On the Other Side
My mom is in Africa for 19 days and it is killing me that I just can't pick up my phone and call her right now. I guess I'm seeing what it is like to be on the other end of this whole international travel thing. And I was gone a whole year. Oh dear if my boys decide to do far away travel one day. I'll be so excited for them and I probably won't worry about them much, but I'll sure as heck miss hearing their voices.
Friday, November 23, 2012
In Case of An Emergency
A few years back I remember calling my dad. He answered whispering into the phone. When I asked him where he was, he said he was in church. I told him not to do that and to call me later, but he said he wanted to make sure I was OK. A few months back he answered my phone call while he was trying to prevent a fight from breaking out at a rehab type shelter he works at. And today, after calling him and hearing a windy, choppy, and slightly breathless conversation from my dads end, I finally ask him what the heck he is doing when he tells me he is running on the trails. You know, for a man who cares very little about electronics and would rather read a book, write, and run through the woods, he sure does make for the best contact in case of an immediate emergency.
Oh I Love Him.
Speaking of the homeless. Doesn't this cold weather just make your heart ache for the people who sleep out in this? I remember going to a ministry for the homeless in Detroit and they said that it is sad that so many people just tell the homeless to just go get a job, when often they find that these people have internal head injuries that make it difficult for them to keep a job and they just don't have family and friend back up support. It's sad how it is really not all their choice all the time and they just have to sleep out in this. I just don't know anybody who would choose to sleep outside in the Michigan winter days. I wonder some ways we can help them out in this cold season for those who aren't inside with Christmas Trees and Hot Chocolate.
Oh I Love Him.
Speaking of the homeless. Doesn't this cold weather just make your heart ache for the people who sleep out in this? I remember going to a ministry for the homeless in Detroit and they said that it is sad that so many people just tell the homeless to just go get a job, when often they find that these people have internal head injuries that make it difficult for them to keep a job and they just don't have family and friend back up support. It's sad how it is really not all their choice all the time and they just have to sleep out in this. I just don't know anybody who would choose to sleep outside in the Michigan winter days. I wonder some ways we can help them out in this cold season for those who aren't inside with Christmas Trees and Hot Chocolate.
the morning after
the morning after thanksgiving.
i hear matthew just waking up here at 8:30am after going to bed at 7pm.
and im sitting here with a tub of cool whip and a spoon.
mmm....sleep and eat treats the morning after I suppose.
time to make a warm breakfast and catch up on some good old reading and cuddles with my little guy after all this traveling and fun family time we have had before a whole other Thanksgiving happens at my house tomorrow. family and friends and thanksgiving. what gifts.
i hear matthew just waking up here at 8:30am after going to bed at 7pm.
and im sitting here with a tub of cool whip and a spoon.
mmm....sleep and eat treats the morning after I suppose.
time to make a warm breakfast and catch up on some good old reading and cuddles with my little guy after all this traveling and fun family time we have had before a whole other Thanksgiving happens at my house tomorrow. family and friends and thanksgiving. what gifts.
Monday, November 19, 2012
A Little Gift and Rambles.
Little Matthew has easily aloud us to almost cut out TV watching for him. When he used to outplay his toys he would walk around bored and ask for TV. In the last month I have been not letting him unless its dinner prep time and he doesn't get upset about it anymore. He actually doesn't ask for it much anymore till later in the day. But I am loving that ever since we stopped lots of last resort TV watching, he has been so much more creative in his play. So once he gets bored, he mopes around a bit, but soon enough I look over and he is reading, or counting, or stacking pillows on top of each other to tackle, or doing sprints back and forth on the couch. He even got bored with his little golf clubs that he handed one of his to me and just started playing swords with it. So naturally, like he new the game already. Sometimes I guess you have to leave room for boredom for their imagination to go wild........But tomorrow morning, Matthew will be so excited because well my house is a beautiful disaster. Meaning, lots has been going on and we took a wonderful trip to see some racers this weekend that was fabulous. And one of our friends gave Matthew 3 new veggie tale DVD's. He has not really seen one of them before, and I think while I try to make my house look somewhat acceptable, he gets to meet Junior Asparagus on TV and not just from the books. I think he is going to love it. And honestly, its one of few kids shows that doesn't annoy me. I mean, have you seen how hyper some of those shows are? O gosh.
Anyways, it has been a beautiful weekend with wonderful friends and this week will only get better. A day trip to Lansing to see Matthew's Great Grandparents, and then we get to celebrate two thanksgivings throughout the week. And my dad will be staying with us for the weekend too, while my mom is in Kenya for 19 days. Oh, here come the rambles. Speaking of my mom, I realized now why maybe my sister's and I don't really worry that much in life. Not only my trust in God, but my parents don't worry much of what I know. For example, my mom is going to Kenya and I have hardly heard her talk at all about malaria, poisonous snakes, contaminated water, you know, what most people think of when going overseas. No, all Ive heard is, "do you think I should wear newer jeans or older ones?", or "I found the perfect shoes to wear", or, " I asked everyone to pray that I would survive the time change", or "it will be so good to get a haircut before I go." hahahaha. i love her.
and off to bed i go. have a great thanksgiving everyone.
Anyways, it has been a beautiful weekend with wonderful friends and this week will only get better. A day trip to Lansing to see Matthew's Great Grandparents, and then we get to celebrate two thanksgivings throughout the week. And my dad will be staying with us for the weekend too, while my mom is in Kenya for 19 days. Oh, here come the rambles. Speaking of my mom, I realized now why maybe my sister's and I don't really worry that much in life. Not only my trust in God, but my parents don't worry much of what I know. For example, my mom is going to Kenya and I have hardly heard her talk at all about malaria, poisonous snakes, contaminated water, you know, what most people think of when going overseas. No, all Ive heard is, "do you think I should wear newer jeans or older ones?", or "I found the perfect shoes to wear", or, " I asked everyone to pray that I would survive the time change", or "it will be so good to get a haircut before I go." hahahaha. i love her.
and off to bed i go. have a great thanksgiving everyone.
Think Before
Today I was arging a bit because we had "no food" in the house and had to get a bit creative to feed us till I grocery shop tonight. But than I was reminded about the millions who are displaced in Syria right now and those taking shelter from bombs in the middle east. Gosh darn my complaining mouth. Turn that switch off. It's good to think before we decide to arg about our "slow" electronics, rush hour, our jobs we are blessed to have, construction, errands we have to run, not enough money to do what we want, busy lives, or not the best meal we order at the restaurant. I think we are all doing just fine; actually, more than fine.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
What They Said
A few of my favorite things they said lately.
ME: I wonder if our Matthew will have kids one day.
MIKE: Oh. He will.
ME: Well, he doesn't have to. Only if he wants to.
MIKE: No. My sons will Father a Nation!
--He makes me laugh.
Zechariah: (3.5 yrs old) - Mom. Does Jesus love spiderman?
Nicole: I think you should ask him.
Zechariah: Jesus, do you love spiderman?...............(disappointed tone) MOM. He said NO.
-- He makes me laugh too.
( I am paraphrasing this next one from a story my sister just told me)
Zechariah: Mom. I want milk.
Nicole: Only when you say "please"
Zechariah: (refuses to say please. So Nicole asks if she can pray for him so he can have the strength to say please and he nods yes. So Nicole prays for him a few times and he still cant say please)
Nicole: You know Zechariah. Satan is tricking you right now. Satan doesn't want you to have good things in life, like milk. So he is tricking you into disobeying Mom and God by not saying the right thing so you can't have the good milk. But Jesus gives you the power to not let Satan trick you anymore.
Zechariah: (makes hands like spider man) ssshhhppewww (what he says when he is going to spiderman web you). Satan, you are trapped in the name of Jesus............Mom, can I have milk please.
ME: I wonder if our Matthew will have kids one day.
MIKE: Oh. He will.
ME: Well, he doesn't have to. Only if he wants to.
MIKE: No. My sons will Father a Nation!
--He makes me laugh.
Zechariah: (3.5 yrs old) - Mom. Does Jesus love spiderman?
Nicole: I think you should ask him.
Zechariah: Jesus, do you love spiderman?...............(disappointed tone) MOM. He said NO.
-- He makes me laugh too.
( I am paraphrasing this next one from a story my sister just told me)
Zechariah: Mom. I want milk.
Nicole: Only when you say "please"
Zechariah: (refuses to say please. So Nicole asks if she can pray for him so he can have the strength to say please and he nods yes. So Nicole prays for him a few times and he still cant say please)
Nicole: You know Zechariah. Satan is tricking you right now. Satan doesn't want you to have good things in life, like milk. So he is tricking you into disobeying Mom and God by not saying the right thing so you can't have the good milk. But Jesus gives you the power to not let Satan trick you anymore.
Zechariah: (makes hands like spider man) ssshhhppewww (what he says when he is going to spiderman web you). Satan, you are trapped in the name of Jesus............Mom, can I have milk please.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
So my church played this really touching video clip about veterans today, and then had everyone stand up who is a veteran. oh my freaking goodness, mess with my pregnant emotions even more. I sure do love those people.
Friday, November 9, 2012
I have seen the Pyramids and camped by the Nile River and just maybe a few other things God stuck in my life to bless me. But I was playing a mix of hockey and golf in my living room at 6:30 am because a certain someone was ready to GO. And that certain someone calls me "MaMa". While the other stuff was a blessing, my little Matthew surpases it all. God's Glory is in all the earth and in all his creation, but he pointed out that his kingdom rests in the little children. So while I wake up to God's kingdom every morning, no matter how sticky and messy and least adventerous to the rest of the world my day may look, I will be endlessly thankful and overwhelemed that I get to be called "MaMa" all day. What a privilege.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
This Morning
I had to wake up before my guys for work this morning. Remember how I kinda whined about the cold, dark, and eerie mornings? Yeah. Well you know what I got from that? A husband who surprised me and got out of bed when I did, started my car, and made me hot chocolate! That was a super relaxing and warm start to the day at 6:30am. Love him.
And Matthew is cutting two teeth. And while I feel very sad for the poor guy, the extra clingy toddler giving me lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses to feel better, well, I just can't get enough of it. It seems even cuter now that he does the wrap his arms around my neck hugs, and doesn't let me go! I love him too!
And Matthew is cutting two teeth. And while I feel very sad for the poor guy, the extra clingy toddler giving me lots of cuddles and hugs and kisses to feel better, well, I just can't get enough of it. It seems even cuter now that he does the wrap his arms around my neck hugs, and doesn't let me go! I love him too!
Friday, November 2, 2012
30.5 Weeks
I have a dear friend who lives out of state that does not let me get away with not posting a belly picture every few weeks. Thankful for her. I'll be happy I have these. So here he is in there. Just under 10 weeks left and LOTS of growing to do!
Thursday, November 1, 2012
New Heart Beat
Nothing like the sound of your next little niece or nephew's heart just beating away.
Litte sister Emily and Jon are gonna be super cute parents. Congrats guys.
Litte sister Emily and Jon are gonna be super cute parents. Congrats guys.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Bit Pinteresty
Woke up and read lots of books to Matthew. Came up with a costume for Matthew (our borrowed one kinda didn't work right) Made homemade smoothie popsicles. Had coffee and banana bread at moms/playgroup. Have a candle burning while Matthew is napping and making my friends homemade butternut squash soup recipe that Matthew and I gobbled up at her house yesterday, with a little crocheting slipped in there in a clean house. Not gonna lie. I'm feeling a bit pinteresty today. These days are rare and beautiful.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Best Moment
...and just maybe the best moment of the month happened this morning.......Matthew sat on the couch facing me while we cuddled, gave kisses, hugged, exchanged stories and funny faces.....and then....he hugged my belly and said "baby", kissing it, then putting the side of his face on my belly he felt his little brother kick numerous times while he kept saying "" and then kissing my belly again.
Are you kidding me? Let me never EVER forget that moment!
Are you kidding me? Let me never EVER forget that moment!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Better At It
One thing I want to be better at is taking my unmet expectations and turning them around. I am not terrible with this, but I could be better. I remember reading a few different blogs from moms who did this so well (in the post they wrote about). Like, one night her toddler was up so awfully early it hurts to think about it and so they just decided to give up on going back to sleep and went to the kitchen to have milk and cookies instead. Or the one I just read about, the couple who was up super super early, probably with babies, and decided they better just make the best of it and make homemade cinnamon rolls. When I am tired I just don't make the best of it. I can tell you that. But I want to. This can only take practice. Today I will start. While Matthew and I had just got down for naps, about 20 minutes later we were woken up by something loud in our backyard and they were over. No signs of going back to sleep. So I have to move on right? Eyes burning and all. I'm heading out shortly to meet up with a friend for coffee, but as this little nugget arrives in 10 weeks and we have times where we all wake each other up, it's time to keep milk and cookies in stock. And that is my pep talk! Oh boy! Or shall we say boyS.
Oh, and happy 30 weeks to us!
Oh, and happy 30 weeks to us!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Those Cold Mornings
Ive probably made it clear how much I love my guys; Michael and Matthew that is.
They rock my world.
And I really have no exciting things to blog about but I do have to say, those cold dark mornings where people have to get up to go to work- well being a stay at home mom is where it is at. Saturdays are when I have to get up before 630 so I can get to work on time. oh pitiful me huh? and today I had to wear a hoodie and a winter coat in the eerie and dark cold and became forever thankful to be home with matthew instead. Where I can make a hot breakfast and stay in my PJs while we cuddle and read books until we want to leave when the sun is out. That's going to be really nice this winter. So thankful for my husband who gets out the door close to 5am in the very uninviting weather that early in the morning. AND he never complains about it. I think I "ughed" my whole way out of bed this morning. HA!
Oh, and other random thought. We got Matthew a little play vacuum cleaner. Let's just say, he is VERY thorough.
They rock my world.
And I really have no exciting things to blog about but I do have to say, those cold dark mornings where people have to get up to go to work- well being a stay at home mom is where it is at. Saturdays are when I have to get up before 630 so I can get to work on time. oh pitiful me huh? and today I had to wear a hoodie and a winter coat in the eerie and dark cold and became forever thankful to be home with matthew instead. Where I can make a hot breakfast and stay in my PJs while we cuddle and read books until we want to leave when the sun is out. That's going to be really nice this winter. So thankful for my husband who gets out the door close to 5am in the very uninviting weather that early in the morning. AND he never complains about it. I think I "ughed" my whole way out of bed this morning. HA!
Oh, and other random thought. We got Matthew a little play vacuum cleaner. Let's just say, he is VERY thorough.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Little man slept from 7:30pm -10am today. And he only popped up out of his crib at 10 because I decided to peek and make sure he didn't run away in the middle of the night. OK. Maybe I was getting a little nervous. But it sure made for a happy, pleasant, and polite little boy and he even asked for his nap today. It makes me wonder what is coming next. I know changes in sleep patterns can mean hitting new milestones and I'm excited and a little antsy about him growing up much more (even if it is just another tooth). I could bottle up this age forever!
So what did I do till 10? Um. Stayed in bed and read a book, folded a LITTLE laundry, ate slow, and actually decided to take time on my computer and read some articles that I pinned on pinterest. AND, missed Matthew. While I would never complain about a quiet morning by myself, I missed him. By 9 I was ready to hear him shout "MOOOOM" from his bed so we could start our day. Yea, I enjoy him that much.
But back to pinterest. For moms of boys, this article is FABULOUS. It makes it fun, encouraging, and a little less confusing about being a mom to a boy. While I am totally not into comparing boys and girls in the way they play, (my girly little niece LOVES to tackle, play in the mud, and is the biggest risk taker of a kid I know) boys and girls do have different brains. I really know this, I'm married. But I LOVE boys and am super excited to have two boys to rough house with and to stand at the street corner and watch semi-trucks go by for an hour (yes, we do that). So moms AND dads of boys, check out this article. It is wonderful.
And maybe the last point in the article, #17, just made me cry. I agree 10,000%.
17. Enjoy his boyness. Michael Gurian, wrote another book called “The Wonder of Boys" and in an interview with Newsweek magazine (1998) he said, “If Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were alive today we would say they had ADD or a conduct disorder. They [boys] are who they are, and we need to love them for who they are. Let’s not try to rewire them.” A mom, who respects her son's energy level, creativity, sensitivity, unique learning style, need for movement, and special sense of wonder, teaches her son to enjoy being a boy.
For a mom, raising boys is both a challenge and an opportunity to obtain a special glimpse of the world from a boy's point of view.
So what did I do till 10? Um. Stayed in bed and read a book, folded a LITTLE laundry, ate slow, and actually decided to take time on my computer and read some articles that I pinned on pinterest. AND, missed Matthew. While I would never complain about a quiet morning by myself, I missed him. By 9 I was ready to hear him shout "MOOOOM" from his bed so we could start our day. Yea, I enjoy him that much.
But back to pinterest. For moms of boys, this article is FABULOUS. It makes it fun, encouraging, and a little less confusing about being a mom to a boy. While I am totally not into comparing boys and girls in the way they play, (my girly little niece LOVES to tackle, play in the mud, and is the biggest risk taker of a kid I know) boys and girls do have different brains. I really know this, I'm married. But I LOVE boys and am super excited to have two boys to rough house with and to stand at the street corner and watch semi-trucks go by for an hour (yes, we do that). So moms AND dads of boys, check out this article. It is wonderful.
And maybe the last point in the article, #17, just made me cry. I agree 10,000%.
17. Enjoy his boyness. Michael Gurian, wrote another book called “The Wonder of Boys" and in an interview with Newsweek magazine (1998) he said, “If Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were alive today we would say they had ADD or a conduct disorder. They [boys] are who they are, and we need to love them for who they are. Let’s not try to rewire them.” A mom, who respects her son's energy level, creativity, sensitivity, unique learning style, need for movement, and special sense of wonder, teaches her son to enjoy being a boy.
For a mom, raising boys is both a challenge and an opportunity to obtain a special glimpse of the world from a boy's point of view.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Just Big
MIKE: Babe. You are really pregnant now.
ME: I know. I am HUGE!
MIKE: Noooooooo. You're not huge.
ME: No? Than what am I?
Well...Thats better!!!
Hahaha. love him. he tried.
ME: I know. I am HUGE!
MIKE: Noooooooo. You're not huge.
ME: No? Than what am I?
Well...Thats better!!!
Hahaha. love him. he tried.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Looking Back and Forward
Sometimes when I look back and read what I wrote about motherhood when Matthew was a newborn, I just want to cringe. I just complained a lot and sounded miserable. And while lots of it was depression, ( you know it was depression when you thought your 2 month old was manipulating you but now think your 18 month old could do nothing of the sort) I have a whole new outlook on it now. It's amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I definitely have a different view of it going on to this second baby. Hopefully the transition to having a newborn again will be different this time around. I know I will have two kids this time, but I think I will understand the newborn stage a little better. I hope. Next week I will be in the 30 weeks mark. Crazy. Up to 30 weeks I feel like I am counting up in my pregnancy, now is the count down. Im starting to really feel some Braxton Hicks contractions. Ah. It makes me realize that he is gonna be here before we know it and we gotta start really getting ready now!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Home With Them
So I'm not complaining about having to go into work every so often. Mike and I said that if we chose it, we have no right to complain about it. But I can say this; being with Mike and Matthew beats anything, any day. So even though I love the work that I do at the hospital and couldn't work for a better place, leaving them to go sometimes is really really hard! I definitely think the whole "needing a break" from your kids and husband is very overrated. That is the last thing I ever need. Their warm hugs and kisses never get old. ;) For now Ill catch a nap before I head to work for a few hours! This belly is growing like craazy!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
No Soliciting
I understand "no soliciting" signs sometimes. but you know the houses that have them, plus the "beware of dog" sign, plus always have their shades closed? not friendly. I love the houses that say "WELCOME" on the front. so happy. and while i dont really care about whether I have a no soliciting sign because i dont mind talking to people, this sign is AWESOME. its just friendly and hilarious and every one of them is true for our little home over here, especially the part about the thin mints. michael and i had to just laugh really hard.

Feeling Blessed
I am feeling so blessed over here.
I mean...I just spent 2 wonderful days with Matthew at my parents while my husband deep cleaned our house. What a man. He also ordered me Jimmy Johns after my glucose test to get fooood in me, while giving me gift cards to Target and Bath and Body Works that he earned at work, and also, he surprised me with a prenatal massage for Wednesday. He set it up and everything. Also, Mike and I decided to start saving for a new bed since our mattress is a full size and forever old and squeaks like crazy, waking us up all night long. Well, just the other day Mikes parents gave us their only 3 year old king size bed that we slept on fantastic last night. They GAVE it to us. FREE. Oh wow. Sweet people. My desire to sprawl out at this point of my pregnancy is totally satisfied now. ahhhh.
Sometimes I just cannot believe what God has blessed us with. I don't ever want to take it for granted. And I always want to remember that I am not entitled to any of this. It is luxury and blessing all the comforts we are given and there are too many people out there that don't even have things like clean water, and I can only remember that the more I am given the more responsibility I have to give back. God is just too good and he wants us to take care of each other. So many people have taken care of us since we came home from the race that it just makes me want to do the same. Pay it Forward I guess!!!
Love Love
I mean...I just spent 2 wonderful days with Matthew at my parents while my husband deep cleaned our house. What a man. He also ordered me Jimmy Johns after my glucose test to get fooood in me, while giving me gift cards to Target and Bath and Body Works that he earned at work, and also, he surprised me with a prenatal massage for Wednesday. He set it up and everything. Also, Mike and I decided to start saving for a new bed since our mattress is a full size and forever old and squeaks like crazy, waking us up all night long. Well, just the other day Mikes parents gave us their only 3 year old king size bed that we slept on fantastic last night. They GAVE it to us. FREE. Oh wow. Sweet people. My desire to sprawl out at this point of my pregnancy is totally satisfied now. ahhhh.
Sometimes I just cannot believe what God has blessed us with. I don't ever want to take it for granted. And I always want to remember that I am not entitled to any of this. It is luxury and blessing all the comforts we are given and there are too many people out there that don't even have things like clean water, and I can only remember that the more I am given the more responsibility I have to give back. God is just too good and he wants us to take care of each other. So many people have taken care of us since we came home from the race that it just makes me want to do the same. Pay it Forward I guess!!!
Love Love
Sunday, October 7, 2012
a duo
Matthew and I make and interesting duo nowadays. While my belly is actively growing larger and larger, so are matthew's active muscles and bones. So while I prefer to be horizontal, God has permanently left little man's active switch to the "on" setting; especially since he learned how to run. Its.............interesting.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
26 Weeks
26 Weeks
Or I like to say 6.5 months
I don't really have too many pregnancy symptoms other than a growing belly.
Matthew did make me laugh so hard one night that my acid reflux kicked in really bad.
And, the only other thing really is to BEWARE OF PREGNANT GIRL EMOTIONS!
Yup, my hormones have kicked in high gear. I am so weepy and super sensitive, which I hate, but I guess it is better than puking. I wonder what my husbands opinion is on that one though.
I can't wait to meet this little fellow; however, I am not ready to be a mom of two. But I am willing to 3 months.
Have a beautiful day everyone, and as Matthew would say. "Mwah"
Monday, October 1, 2012
My brother in-law played guitar on Ellen today with Cher Lloyd.
If you are looking at the screen he is the guy with the guitar and microphone on the left.
So cool. He will be with her on Leno tonight and I think Kelly Ripa on Thursday. And something else I can't remember. Makes me miss my sister and him while they live out in CA. But hopefully we get to go see them in March as a family of 4. When I told Matthew that Uncle Jon was going to be on TV he started to dance. So cute.
This 2nd video is him playing acoustic with her.
If you are looking at the screen he is the guy with the guitar and microphone on the left.
So cool. He will be with her on Leno tonight and I think Kelly Ripa on Thursday. And something else I can't remember. Makes me miss my sister and him while they live out in CA. But hopefully we get to go see them in March as a family of 4. When I told Matthew that Uncle Jon was going to be on TV he started to dance. So cute.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Not to brag, but I am. My in-laws just drove their motorcycle from MI to Myrtle beach and back, my mom is going to Kenya, my littlest sister is going to India, my sister in-law is pregnant, my oldest sister just started a furniture business out of her house with three little kids running around, my dad is doing a funeral for a guy that was shown an amazing vision from God before he died when he didn't believe in God quite yet, and this coming up week my brother in law is going to be on Ellen, Leno, Live with Kelly, and Good Morning America. And a few other things i can't say just yet. I'm just saying. It's kinda fun to be family with these people. Oh, and I am growing a human in my body.
Matthew and I went to our local library this morning. It was so cute to see him in toddler time. All the kids, listening to story time, dancing to songs, and doing a craft. Loved it. So we walked out of the library with a some art work of a Moose and there was a fun helicopter above us and the news everywhere, with a crowd, just waiting to find out soon whether Jimmy Hoffa is actually buried where they got their tip. So we shall see. Matthew may have seen history today; very unlikely, but just maybe. So as they drilled and dug away we got to see pretty cool media equipment and trucks that kept Matthew very entertained!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
This Season
Yay for Fall. It is the season for hot drinks and food. Lots of yummy desserts and crock-pot meals. mmm. im pregnant. its a good time for long naps and hot showers. and a time for knitting. but i decided i have three months as a mom to one. as i am absolutely determined to get in every ounce of time with my little guy and to pour in lots of of love to him before he has to share me, i absolutely know God is using this season in my life to grow me lots. So as it is a great season to sit with tea and read. im soaking up as much reading as i can from wise people with the time i have. since little mr. over here sleeps sometimes over 12 hours at night and still naps, i have no excuse but to stretch myself a bit and learn learn learn. here are my current reads and i am totally eating them up right now. so good.
"Lioness Arising" is incredible so far and we are studying it at Women's Bible study at church. One of the challenges is to stretch ourselves as we are made to be virtuous and capable daughters of God. So I'm really taking it seriously and my friend gave me the financial book to borrow today and Mike and I are both loving what I am getting out of it so far.

Mike and I have been doing everything we can to get ready for this new baby. We are getting our house in order, installing a dishwasher soon, getting our basement finished, nursery set up, better cloth diaper system, meal planning system, clutter gone, etc. But today I thought to myself how good and all that will be ;however, I have an infant coming. A newborn. I can do everything I can think of to do, but it does not mean I won't nave a newborn and a 21 month old toddler. The biggest preparation I can do is mentally prepare to not have it all together as I hope. And Mike and I committed to treat the first 6 weeks as a mini kid vacation. Meaning a vacation to focus on the transition of being parents of two. I will nurse my baby and cuddle my kids and sleep whenever I get a chance and not worry about anything else at all. OH, and not say no to any offer of help or get all upset if I feel like I don't have it figure out yet. Cuz I won't. It most likely will be one of the most lovely and exhausting times in our lives. But we are are going to prepare for it to be as such. I will tell myself that this baby will only be up all night for such a short amount of time, and to just enjoy the tiniest toes as of now. It will be wonderful, in just a short 3.5 months.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Few Reasons
Just a few reasons why I love my husband.
Last night we kinda argued a bit. or a lot. about how I am always wanting the house to be super clean, and how he sometimes just wants to relax before it all has to get done. he does help a lot. he really does. but i can be a bit go go go go. and i said i liked the house clean before we relaxed. i told him yesterday that I would work on not being so task oriented. but today when he can home from work he started cleaning the kitchen and said, "you know. I decided today. if it matters to you that the house is clean before we relax, it should matter to me that the house is clean before we relax". so now as i relax with a messy house, he is doing the dishes. and his new thing is to do the dishes with his head phones on while listening to the monday night football pregame show from his laptop. whatever makes dishes more enjoyable for him. oh i love him.
another reason i love my husband. well, this was said by him. "you know you are a dad when you contemplate making your facebook status saying, 'does anyone have an adult size Tigger costume I can borrow for Halloween?' "
hahaha. i love him. yes. he'd do that for matthew.
Last night we kinda argued a bit. or a lot. about how I am always wanting the house to be super clean, and how he sometimes just wants to relax before it all has to get done. he does help a lot. he really does. but i can be a bit go go go go. and i said i liked the house clean before we relaxed. i told him yesterday that I would work on not being so task oriented. but today when he can home from work he started cleaning the kitchen and said, "you know. I decided today. if it matters to you that the house is clean before we relax, it should matter to me that the house is clean before we relax". so now as i relax with a messy house, he is doing the dishes. and his new thing is to do the dishes with his head phones on while listening to the monday night football pregame show from his laptop. whatever makes dishes more enjoyable for him. oh i love him.
another reason i love my husband. well, this was said by him. "you know you are a dad when you contemplate making your facebook status saying, 'does anyone have an adult size Tigger costume I can borrow for Halloween?' "
hahaha. i love him. yes. he'd do that for matthew.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A Super Duper Thankful Post
I think it might be the weather. But I am feeling extremely thankful today.
* The weather. It feels like fall today! Hoodies are so cute on kids.
* Im thankful that my husband and his friends finally got my piano out of storage. Our house looks perfect with a piano in it.
* Every Tuesday our Sears outlet lets you get a free piece of clothing. No fine print. Walk in, have your free Sears card, walk out with a cute something. WONDERFUL. I got two great sweaters so far for the cool weather that should work during the pregnancy.
* My job is amazing. I love what I do. I love my co-workers and Supervisor. I love my patients. I love my flexible hours. I just love it all.
* I love that Matthew is on a new kick where he wants nothing to do with playing by himself. He wants me every second to be with him. If I try to change my clothes, I have the cutest little nugget suctioned to my leg. I love how much he wants me to be with him. So.......... that makes me love that he will sit and watch Pooh, happy, for 30 min while I use the bathroom, change my clothes, pack a bag to go somewhere fun, eat my breakfast, and maybe do a load of laundry. I never thought I'd say this, but TV has been magical for that short amount of time.
* I love that a 92 year old man told me today that I was really beautiful.
* I love that Matthew says, "your preety". we think that is what he is saying.
* I'm thankful for our cozy home and that I get to meet our newest son in 4 months. And that means we still have 4 months to get ready.
* Im thankful for technology. That we could find out we are having a boy before he is born. My craft and nesting bone is super satisfied.
* Im thankful for my friends and for a husband that likes hanging out with me.
* Im thankful that I have had three friends already give me maternity clothes to borrow.
* Im thankful that I get to wear scrubs to work.
* Im thankful that I get to be part of anti human-trafficking awareness recently.
* Im thankful that it is donut and cider season.
* Im thankful that my husband and I finally came up with a meal planning plan that we hope works!
* Im thankful that I have sisters that call me all the time even when they have nothing really to talk about. We just want to hear each other's voice.
* The weather. It feels like fall today! Hoodies are so cute on kids.
* Im thankful that my husband and his friends finally got my piano out of storage. Our house looks perfect with a piano in it.
* Every Tuesday our Sears outlet lets you get a free piece of clothing. No fine print. Walk in, have your free Sears card, walk out with a cute something. WONDERFUL. I got two great sweaters so far for the cool weather that should work during the pregnancy.
* My job is amazing. I love what I do. I love my co-workers and Supervisor. I love my patients. I love my flexible hours. I just love it all.
* I love that Matthew is on a new kick where he wants nothing to do with playing by himself. He wants me every second to be with him. If I try to change my clothes, I have the cutest little nugget suctioned to my leg. I love how much he wants me to be with him. So.......... that makes me love that he will sit and watch Pooh, happy, for 30 min while I use the bathroom, change my clothes, pack a bag to go somewhere fun, eat my breakfast, and maybe do a load of laundry. I never thought I'd say this, but TV has been magical for that short amount of time.
* I love that a 92 year old man told me today that I was really beautiful.
* I love that Matthew says, "your preety". we think that is what he is saying.
* I'm thankful for our cozy home and that I get to meet our newest son in 4 months. And that means we still have 4 months to get ready.
* Im thankful for technology. That we could find out we are having a boy before he is born. My craft and nesting bone is super satisfied.
* Im thankful for my friends and for a husband that likes hanging out with me.
* Im thankful that I have had three friends already give me maternity clothes to borrow.
* Im thankful that I get to wear scrubs to work.
* Im thankful that I get to be part of anti human-trafficking awareness recently.
* Im thankful that it is donut and cider season.
* Im thankful that my husband and I finally came up with a meal planning plan that we hope works!
* Im thankful that I have sisters that call me all the time even when they have nothing really to talk about. We just want to hear each other's voice.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
DaDa and Kicks
Mike was putting the side of his face on my stomach to feel little boy in there. We find this the most effective way for him to feel little kicks. While Matthew would immediatily start up all his best moves the second mike would touch my stomach, this little guy in my belly now, stops every bit of action the second he feels Mike there. It is kinda hilarious.
MIKE: Son, if you think I am fun, kick once. If you don't think I'm fun, kick twice.
LITTLE BOY: (nothing whatsoever)
It is just a tad sad to Mike, I must stay; however, since Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe right now, I don't feel too bad little baby boy is saving his play time for me. =) =) hehehe. I love my guys.
Oh, and when I mean that Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe, I mean it. For example, this morning. I go in Matthew's room to get him out of his crib when like usual, he immediately says, "DADA". I told him that dada is at work. So he starts to choke up and say "DaDa" again, very broken up, like he can hardly get it out it hurts too bad to say it. He then runs to our bed looking for mike. Saying "dada" and sobbing with his face in the bed where Mike sleeps. With him sobbing, I bring him right to his high chair for breakfast and he starts yelling at me very mad saying, "dada" and totally refused his breakfast. Gosh, it breaks my heart for him!! I'm still not quite sure what to do about it when Mike is gone, but it makes me happy that he is falling so much in love with his sweet Dad!
MIKE: Son, if you think I am fun, kick once. If you don't think I'm fun, kick twice.
LITTLE BOY: (nothing whatsoever)
It is just a tad sad to Mike, I must stay; however, since Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe right now, I don't feel too bad little baby boy is saving his play time for me. =) =) hehehe. I love my guys.
Oh, and when I mean that Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe, I mean it. For example, this morning. I go in Matthew's room to get him out of his crib when like usual, he immediately says, "DADA". I told him that dada is at work. So he starts to choke up and say "DaDa" again, very broken up, like he can hardly get it out it hurts too bad to say it. He then runs to our bed looking for mike. Saying "dada" and sobbing with his face in the bed where Mike sleeps. With him sobbing, I bring him right to his high chair for breakfast and he starts yelling at me very mad saying, "dada" and totally refused his breakfast. Gosh, it breaks my heart for him!! I'm still not quite sure what to do about it when Mike is gone, but it makes me happy that he is falling so much in love with his sweet Dad!
My Kiddos Dad
Mike and Matthew were hanging out and I overhear their conversation from the other room.
Matthew: (babble)
Mike: How's your soul? Huh? Hows your soul today? Do you want to pray with me?
My gosh! Melt my heart!
Matthew: (babble)
Mike: How's your soul? Huh? Hows your soul today? Do you want to pray with me?
My gosh! Melt my heart!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Keeping Up
In the last few days my stomach grew so much that the rest of my body is just trying to keep up with the extra. I'm only 5.5 months and I already feel like it is hard to move because it happened so fast that I just wasn't expecting it. When I was pregnant with Matthew my stomach grew at a slow and steady pace that I was able to adjust and I never felt huge really. This time. My gosh. I cannot imagine 4.5 months left still of growing. I'm big enough! HA! This should be an experience.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Husband Time
It has been about a week since I have had quality alone time with my husband. I do not remember the last time we went that long. Tonight we are going to enjoy the Michigan game while soaking in the best cuddles we have had in a while. I cannot wait. I have been thinking about it all day. I love him.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
But What I Do Have
I was just telling my sister how much Mike and I love to help people out financially. We love giving money to help people out, because we know what it is like to be helped out in that way, and it feels so good. This isn't to sound all great, but some people love making dinners for people, or babysitting for free, or any other type of service. But we really love being able to get people out of a little financial stress. Well, that has not been super easy for us since the race. A few Sundays ago I was asking God why we just can't have the means to serve in that way right now. And of course, a few minutes later, the pastor shares the story about when Peter and John came across a crippled man who was begging for money, and this is what they said.
But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Aha. and the man was healed!
Well heck! I mean. I will always have the power of Jesus in me to give to others! Pretty great to remember that! Love My God!
But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” Aha. and the man was healed!
Well heck! I mean. I will always have the power of Jesus in me to give to others! Pretty great to remember that! Love My God!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What does bother me just a tad, is how much change this is for me to even just add a few hours of work in, even when Mike is home with Matthew. It is totally not bad, but Mike and I basically gave high fives and a quick kiss the second he got home from work as I got in my car to leave for work. We NEVER go a day without seeing each other hardly at all. I got home late tonight and I just had to hug my husband forever. I just missed him so much. It is an interesting transition being back and work and feeling super motivated with my career again. I don't want to work much at all, but I feel very much like before I had a family since it was the job I had right of college. I want to challenge myself and become much better at what I do, and in the process I feel like I am living split lives. I know this must be normal after being home with Matthew ALL the time to even going working a few afternoons, but it sure is strange. I haven't quite figured out yet how to not box it all and still realize I am living one life and not two. As my husband pouts off to bed because I can't come with him because I need to review some stuff for a health care class I have to take tomorrow, I'm feeling a bit split. It is good, just not used to it yet. I love my job a lot a lot a lot, but I love my family way much more and I have to realize its OK to love both at the same time. But Im still thankful to be a stay at home mommy for a huge part of the time and that is what I hope to be for a long time!
Happy Notes
Eric is getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had the perfect morning with Matthew and my two nephews.
Matthew and Zechariah can play outside by themselves (with a fence) together, happy, for a few hours now. I didn't know it could get this easy.
My bump is a real bump now. I look like I did when I was about 7 or 8 months pregnant with Matthew here at only 21 weeks. And pants that fit me all through my time with Matthew in my belly, are out the window now. But that is totally great, because this little guy in here is moving all around, and Im starting to get elbows and knees pushing out. Its the happy time of pregnancy where I can feel him with my hand. And hopefully the fact that some pants won't get over my hips means my hips are getting WIDE. Get as WIDE as you want hips, whatever it takes to get this baby out smooth. Boy does perspective change.
Work is going great. Even though Mike had to use all his time off so I can do mandatory hospital orientations. Hmmm. Hopefully he will accumulate enough just in time to take a week off with the baby. And since Matthew is in TOTAL daddy world right now, he hardly even notices the few hours I am gone here and there.
I got to share my story of my time in the Red Light District in Thailand at a safe house for trafficked girls in Toledo this weekend. I have to say, walking into a safe house that is going to house girls that go through everything they do, is overwhelming to say the least. They have a healing oasis there, that's for sure.
My son is rocking my world right now. I guess he always has, but boy oh boy is he my little love. I am loving seeing him grow into a very sweet and affectionate boy to us, family, and his little friends.Oh and his stuffed animals. The stuffed animals in our house receive tons of love and affection.
I had the perfect morning with Matthew and my two nephews.
Matthew and Zechariah can play outside by themselves (with a fence) together, happy, for a few hours now. I didn't know it could get this easy.
My bump is a real bump now. I look like I did when I was about 7 or 8 months pregnant with Matthew here at only 21 weeks. And pants that fit me all through my time with Matthew in my belly, are out the window now. But that is totally great, because this little guy in here is moving all around, and Im starting to get elbows and knees pushing out. Its the happy time of pregnancy where I can feel him with my hand. And hopefully the fact that some pants won't get over my hips means my hips are getting WIDE. Get as WIDE as you want hips, whatever it takes to get this baby out smooth. Boy does perspective change.
Work is going great. Even though Mike had to use all his time off so I can do mandatory hospital orientations. Hmmm. Hopefully he will accumulate enough just in time to take a week off with the baby. And since Matthew is in TOTAL daddy world right now, he hardly even notices the few hours I am gone here and there.
I got to share my story of my time in the Red Light District in Thailand at a safe house for trafficked girls in Toledo this weekend. I have to say, walking into a safe house that is going to house girls that go through everything they do, is overwhelming to say the least. They have a healing oasis there, that's for sure.
My son is rocking my world right now. I guess he always has, but boy oh boy is he my little love. I am loving seeing him grow into a very sweet and affectionate boy to us, family, and his little friends.Oh and his stuffed animals. The stuffed animals in our house receive tons of love and affection.
Monday, August 27, 2012
I think everyone in my family is trying to find strength just about now. My brother-in-law has an infection creeping up his leg with nothing stopping it. And while my sister is trying to stick with him as much as possible at the hospital because he is off and on alert because of meds, their three very little children are just wanting their parents so terribly. She runs back and forth to see them and nurse her baby, exhausted. And while Mike and I can't be there every second or do over nights because we work and have a kid, my AMAZING family is taking over. My parents came up for a few days, and my little sister is flying home from LA to stay with the kids so they can have someone consistent with them. I love them. So great knowing my family would do anything, like spending all that money to come all that way to watch her niece and nephews that she would do anything for. But we are all a bit just trying to keep it together I think. In the midst of it all we find strength to claim Victory over Eric's leg. Cuz it just has to get better.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Wow, that little boy of ours has really stolen our hearts lately. I mean, we have loved him from the beginning, but he has been pulling some smooth moves on us lately. =)
A Secret Longing
There is a secret longing going on in some ladies hearts now a days. I see it on blogs and when I talk to my friends. We become moms, stay at home, and try to learn how to cook. Then we start to own our new life and love it. And we kinda want to have gardens, and bake our own bread, line dry clothes, and have the home that all the neighbor kids run to because it is safe and loving and smells good- so we want to cook lots of pasta for them and have sleepovers with monkey bread for breakfast.
So all that added up, we (or I will only speak for myself) just kinda want to have dresses like these.
I know it all sounds so outdated, but I am just speaking truth!

So all that added up, we (or I will only speak for myself) just kinda want to have dresses like these.
I know it all sounds so outdated, but I am just speaking truth!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Organizing Tips
Being new to this whole family thing and only 4 years new to living on our own. I have two organizing tips that have stayed true true true.
How to keep your house organized: Don't buy lots of stuff. Get rid of stuff. In place of stuff. Spend time together and talk.
How to keep finances and bills organized: Only buy things you have the cash for. I'm telling you, way short list of monthly bills to juggle and then you know the stuff you have is actually yours- who wants false wealth anyways? Plus, we can ALL wait to save for the newest toy. We really can do it. there are circumstances that can make it hard to not take out a loan, but trust me, we are hoping that saving up for new furniture or a new car will save us lots of complaining in the end, and make our stack of bills less scattered around the house. Plus it helps us keep our house organized, because we buy less stuff. hehe. =)
Still learning big time, but we are sticking to this stuff, and thankful we are learning it so young. Hope our thriftiness pays off in the end. Plus, we love our free floral couch form Mikes aunt. Its amazing. And we are not being sarcastic. =)
How to keep your house organized: Don't buy lots of stuff. Get rid of stuff. In place of stuff. Spend time together and talk.
How to keep finances and bills organized: Only buy things you have the cash for. I'm telling you, way short list of monthly bills to juggle and then you know the stuff you have is actually yours- who wants false wealth anyways? Plus, we can ALL wait to save for the newest toy. We really can do it. there are circumstances that can make it hard to not take out a loan, but trust me, we are hoping that saving up for new furniture or a new car will save us lots of complaining in the end, and make our stack of bills less scattered around the house. Plus it helps us keep our house organized, because we buy less stuff. hehe. =)
Still learning big time, but we are sticking to this stuff, and thankful we are learning it so young. Hope our thriftiness pays off in the end. Plus, we love our free floral couch form Mikes aunt. Its amazing. And we are not being sarcastic. =)
Sunday, August 19, 2012
To Be
You know. I'll be darned. The woman that God wants me to be is WAY better than the woman I had in mind for myself. I have been letting God do the work inside of me instead of me trying to polish myself up. Since my identity has been so much more secure as his daughter I feel so free and I am starting to have such a clear picture of who I am becoming and why and for what reason. It is amazing and wonderful and so much better than spending hours trying to figure it out on my own. The World Race changed me and gave me firm lessons I will follow the rest of my life and so did other previous events. But Ive been surprised. This whole caring for a household thing and not just skipping around the world when I want has done something that God knew would do to me that I didn't have any clue. Who knew that folding laundry, doing dishes, reading children's books, sweeping the floor all day, and wiping poop would actually teach me servant hood more than anything I have ever done. To some I am not radical, spontaneous, or adventurous anymore. To some my life is boring and not noble. My old self would say that. But for some reason I don't care if my life looks "cool" or not. This year has changed me to really understand more of what commitment and serving really means. We have been forced to become good stewards, better friends and family members, and to see what it might really mean to plug into one place for a few years, and make a stable home for people to take refuge in. It is good. I don't know everything, and I want more wisdom. But I see more clear now. I am changing. And I like it better than who I was trying to make myself look before. This is good and I am thankful.
Oh. And these verses have been my prayer this whole year. That I can be that prudent and wise wife; for the sake of my family and others.
Proverbs 19:14,“House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
Oh. And these verses have been my prayer this whole year. That I can be that prudent and wise wife; for the sake of my family and others.
Proverbs 19:14,“House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.”
James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
So we just found out that we are having a BOY! WOOOHOOO! There are going to be brothers in our home. I was equally ready for either, but now that I know, I am fully in. My heart is busting out like crazy to meet this next little boy. I sure LOVE being surprised about the gender before the birth. It has been SO much fun knowing for part of my pregnancy. Seriously, I am pretty proud of all those who wait, but this is crazy fun to us and extremely exciting. Knowing, makes it feel like Christmas every day, but better. I am smitten with his ultrasound picture. He is so cute and perfect for us. I kinda felt all along that this was God's plan for us. I only ever had dreams while I am sleeping about having boys. I don't know if that means anything, but it is what it is. And I am just saying, I am happy God is giving boys to a dad like Michael. Boys need dads like him to grow up secure knowing they are loved . Mike is strong and very affectionate. I'm serious God, you can fill this house with boys. I'm thankful neither of us was hoping for a certain gender. It made finding out way less stressful. We don't need a boy AND a girl to feel complete in our family. My parents had four girls and as my dad would say, "I never wish I had a son. God knew that I would be a good dad for four daughters." I love that so much. I feel so thankful God's plan for us is what is happening. Its an overwhelming amount of joy - I kinda can't sleep great because it is all I think about. =) =)
Speaking of boys. My husband is my #1 guy in this house but my little Matthew is just making my heart explode with love all the time. He could be mid tantrum or I could be teaching him a little lesson, and he still makes me think he is the cutest thing in the world. I don't know how he does it. He is pretty sly like that. I'm telling you, the kid is good. And now I am going to have two little boy brothers just driving me crazy in love. Can't wait.
Speaking of boys. My husband is my #1 guy in this house but my little Matthew is just making my heart explode with love all the time. He could be mid tantrum or I could be teaching him a little lesson, and he still makes me think he is the cutest thing in the world. I don't know how he does it. He is pretty sly like that. I'm telling you, the kid is good. And now I am going to have two little boy brothers just driving me crazy in love. Can't wait.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Just Enjoying It
So lately there have been such great things going on. changes. and still some decisions and changes we are thinking about making. but even when it is good, it can seem like a lot at once. so tonight i had to go sit outside in the windy evening and talk to God.
ME: So Michael, I just sat outside and talked to God and told him about all the things on my mind that we have to do and are happening. Cuz it feels like a lot.
MICHAEL: And what did God say?
ME: "I got it girl."
AH. He's got it. Time to relax and enjoy the ride eh?
Also we know the gender and I have been giddy all day, I could hardly sleep I am so excited. BUT, we will post when a few more family hear from us. EEEEEE! It feels like Christmas but better!
ME: So Michael, I just sat outside and talked to God and told him about all the things on my mind that we have to do and are happening. Cuz it feels like a lot.
MICHAEL: And what did God say?
ME: "I got it girl."
AH. He's got it. Time to relax and enjoy the ride eh?
Also we know the gender and I have been giddy all day, I could hardly sleep I am so excited. BUT, we will post when a few more family hear from us. EEEEEE! It feels like Christmas but better!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
NY and a Boy or Girl?
Well. It has been a full few weeks. Exciting. I just visited a friend in NY. Much needed. Kinda cool to be back where I grew up.
Also we find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or girl. and NO, I do not care one bit what we are having. I just want the baby that is inside of me. They can be whatever they are made to be and I will be SO HAPPY either way. boy or girl. I'm all for either one. I cannot wait!
And mike felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday. We both felt it at the same time. It was so amazing.
I know I kinda lack on my blogging. It has just been a very full summer of friends and family and a desire for blogging is lacking, which has been pretty nice. I should catch myself up on everything soon with this, since it is nice to document life and read back on things.
Well, I better get sleep for our big day tomorrow. My belly picture will come soon too. oh have i popped.
Also we find out tomorrow if we are having a boy or girl. and NO, I do not care one bit what we are having. I just want the baby that is inside of me. They can be whatever they are made to be and I will be SO HAPPY either way. boy or girl. I'm all for either one. I cannot wait!
And mike felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday. We both felt it at the same time. It was so amazing.
I know I kinda lack on my blogging. It has just been a very full summer of friends and family and a desire for blogging is lacking, which has been pretty nice. I should catch myself up on everything soon with this, since it is nice to document life and read back on things.
Well, I better get sleep for our big day tomorrow. My belly picture will come soon too. oh have i popped.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The Games
Did anyone else get super emotional at the end of that crazy USA vs. Canada soccer game? Go USA girls. I truly had tears. Cannot wait for the final game tomorrow.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
A Job
So I have a job. I'll be working contingent as a Physical Therapist Assistant at a hospital I used to work at. I'm so excited and happy it will work that I will work when Mike is home with Matthew. But I'm not gonna lie, those few hours I left him to take care of stuff at the hospital, I missed my kid like CRAZY! I am definitely not doing this job because I need a break from being a mom. Being a mom is my favorite job ever. I don't really need much of a break from him. A 7pm bedtime is good enough. I just will like to get myself with some patients again and take care of them and earn a little extra income for our family. It will be good. And I'm excited.
Monday, July 30, 2012
A Bed
"AHHHHH!!! A BED!!!!!" -Megan-
Megan is our newest addition to our home for the next few weeks. And I just love people who are fresh off of the World Race. They make you feel like the most hospitable person ever.
Megan is our newest addition to our home for the next few weeks. And I just love people who are fresh off of the World Race. They make you feel like the most hospitable person ever.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
So. This is hilarious. My 3.5 year old nephew is great. I witnessed today, that sometimes when my sister is going to get him for a timeout, he puts his hand out like spider man and goes, "ppppssssshhhhh.......STOOOOP........MOM...I'm Spider Man. You're frozen!"
Maybe I want a lot of kids now. These moments are just too good!
Maybe I want a lot of kids now. These moments are just too good!
Thursday, July 26, 2012
For the Love
Pretty darn blessed over here. Life is just taking an exciting turn. I don't know what it is but I just feel like things are moving for us. We get to host three people from out of the state at our house in the next week. Our friend is driving up here to take a retreat for a weekend. Sweet she chose our place, the one with the 16 month old. But we can't be more excited to see her. My mom then comes the night our friend leaves to go to a concert with me. And then the night my mom heads out, another sweet girl, whom I never met is coming to stay with us for the week. She is moving to Detroit, just 2 weeks fresh off from the race because God has clearly called her to this city. What a rock star. She is so passionate and motivated, and already has interviews and she has not been here yet. But I cannot wait to be a listening ear from her race. Dear Lord, I was a disaster after the race with my emotions, but she seems to really keep on going. Good for her. I just hope she slows down and processes every thing. We are happy this little house we are blessed with is a refuge for other people too.
Also, I have my interview on Tuesday to go back to work a bit for hours that Mike is home. This is big for us. I can maybe get myself to the dentist and pay off our school loans WAY faster than we expected. Oh, what a ton of bricks off our shoulders. Plus, I just really love the job and think it will be good all around.
Also, FOR THE LOVE sweet D-ROCK. Our friend from the race just bought us 12 new cloth diapers. A big package came in the mail and just like that, we can cross some things off the list for new baby. Wow. So blessed. Love you lady. SO MUCH!
Also, I have my interview on Tuesday to go back to work a bit for hours that Mike is home. This is big for us. I can maybe get myself to the dentist and pay off our school loans WAY faster than we expected. Oh, what a ton of bricks off our shoulders. Plus, I just really love the job and think it will be good all around.
Also, FOR THE LOVE sweet D-ROCK. Our friend from the race just bought us 12 new cloth diapers. A big package came in the mail and just like that, we can cross some things off the list for new baby. Wow. So blessed. Love you lady. SO MUCH!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
This Next One
Im 16 weeks now and I have been having so many labor dreams lately. All so good. Pain and med free. Wouldn't that be awesome?
But my gosh they are just making me so anxious to meet my little nugget and to hold him or her for the first time. It's actually very overwhelming to think about and I cannot stop thinking about the first moment that Michael and I get to meet our new child. It is starting to feel way more real and my heart is just longing for this baby. I still need this six months as we have a list of things we need to do and get before this one comes, but gosh I cannot wait till labor is over and I get to hold and meet our baby!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!
But my gosh they are just making me so anxious to meet my little nugget and to hold him or her for the first time. It's actually very overwhelming to think about and I cannot stop thinking about the first moment that Michael and I get to meet our new child. It is starting to feel way more real and my heart is just longing for this baby. I still need this six months as we have a list of things we need to do and get before this one comes, but gosh I cannot wait till labor is over and I get to hold and meet our baby!!!!!!!!!!! AH!!!!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Its complete. I am officially a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant in Michigan.
AH! I couldn't be more relieved.
This is HUGE people!
AH! I couldn't be more relieved.
This is HUGE people!
Saturday, July 21, 2012
At the End of the Day
Today, it just hit me about how we end our day. What will Matthew's last memory be when he lays his head down for a long night sleep? With busy days, people in and out, cleaning, making meals, and then adding the element of constantly trying to figure out a toddlers brain and emotions, sometimes the end of the day goes, "sleepy time, good night." in the crib, close the door, not a noise, the end. But today as "no" is causing 20 minutes of heightened emotions for my little one, we are all left tense and somewhat confused on how to handle it all.
But tonight, after it was at its worst, I heard a small whisper from the Lord telling me that his love will be the last fingerprint in the day, and that our family will unify and love. So after Matthew relaxed from a little massage and was calm for bed, our family of three went into his room and sat on his floor in a circle. He held our hands and we spent the next five minutes praying and telling Matthew things we loved about him. He sat quietly and would ever so often hold our hands tighter and mumble a few quiet words himself. We put our hands on him and together read his favorite verse over his bed, which he requested we do twice. We then asked him who he wanted to cuddle with before bed and he so gently crawled on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, asking me over and over again to read the verse that hangs over his bed. It was a perfect, and it is what matters more than anything.
While figuring out how to handle tantrums is still on the forefront , it just seems less important in the long run compared to him really knowing things like the verse that hangs over his bed. I believe the impact is greater.
"The Lord your God is in your midst. A Mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will quiet you with His love. He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17
But tonight, after it was at its worst, I heard a small whisper from the Lord telling me that his love will be the last fingerprint in the day, and that our family will unify and love. So after Matthew relaxed from a little massage and was calm for bed, our family of three went into his room and sat on his floor in a circle. He held our hands and we spent the next five minutes praying and telling Matthew things we loved about him. He sat quietly and would ever so often hold our hands tighter and mumble a few quiet words himself. We put our hands on him and together read his favorite verse over his bed, which he requested we do twice. We then asked him who he wanted to cuddle with before bed and he so gently crawled on my lap and rested his head on my shoulder, asking me over and over again to read the verse that hangs over his bed. It was a perfect, and it is what matters more than anything.
While figuring out how to handle tantrums is still on the forefront , it just seems less important in the long run compared to him really knowing things like the verse that hangs over his bed. I believe the impact is greater.
"The Lord your God is in your midst. A Mighty one who will save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, he will quiet you with His love. He will exult over you with loud singing." Zephaniah 3:17
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
We have had constant company and family reunions for 2 weeks now. It has been AMAZING. Family on both sides and friends - friends from the World Race; which has been so awesome.
Last night was the last bit of company for a bit. We, and two other couples are starting a small group book/bible study on Tuesday nights at our house, and I know it will already be amazing. They are such wonderful people, and we spent last night catching up on life since it has been a while since we have seen a few of them. One couple just got engaged and their adorableness is off the charts, hearing them share their great love story.
We are going to be doing a study on having Grace with people. I think we all need that for sure. So excited. It will be so great to be so intentional with these two couples and laugh and go deep at the same time, encouraging and just loving each other where ever we are at in life.
So with the company being less for the next 2 weeks, I told Mike we need to regroup and take care of just normal life stuff. So today I called my Physical Therapy Assistant license place, since they are taking forever to process, and we found out that they have not received my school transcripts because they have not looked for them under my maiden name. DUH! Why did I not think of that? I applied for the license under my married name, and went to school under my maiden name. So we have it all figured out and my transcripts were found under my maiden name and I will have my license in about a week. Thank you Jesus. A good start to regrouping.
And what everyone else cares about, Matthew is hilarious and adorable and makes me laugh all the time. We are so in love with him and he is getting bigger each day and saying more words. But mostly, we are just obsessed with the fact that the little guy is our son, no matter what his milestones are right now. We just freaking love him like crazy.
Last night was the last bit of company for a bit. We, and two other couples are starting a small group book/bible study on Tuesday nights at our house, and I know it will already be amazing. They are such wonderful people, and we spent last night catching up on life since it has been a while since we have seen a few of them. One couple just got engaged and their adorableness is off the charts, hearing them share their great love story.
We are going to be doing a study on having Grace with people. I think we all need that for sure. So excited. It will be so great to be so intentional with these two couples and laugh and go deep at the same time, encouraging and just loving each other where ever we are at in life.
So with the company being less for the next 2 weeks, I told Mike we need to regroup and take care of just normal life stuff. So today I called my Physical Therapy Assistant license place, since they are taking forever to process, and we found out that they have not received my school transcripts because they have not looked for them under my maiden name. DUH! Why did I not think of that? I applied for the license under my married name, and went to school under my maiden name. So we have it all figured out and my transcripts were found under my maiden name and I will have my license in about a week. Thank you Jesus. A good start to regrouping.
And what everyone else cares about, Matthew is hilarious and adorable and makes me laugh all the time. We are so in love with him and he is getting bigger each day and saying more words. But mostly, we are just obsessed with the fact that the little guy is our son, no matter what his milestones are right now. We just freaking love him like crazy.
Monday, July 16, 2012
This Time Around
We have had a full fun few weeks, full of loved ones, and it is not over. But I just have a little time while Matthew is napping and so is our out of town guest.
So I lll just write a bit about pregnancy so far.
If you know anything about Matthew inside of me. It was HARD and I was sick the entire time. And all I wanted was Dr. Pepper and Arby's Fries.
So for now. Out of my first trimester, I feel great.
I'm now 15 weeks.
I want salad and fruit all the time, and avocado.
I have not been over the toilet once because I was sick. Even in the first trimester. All clear.
I feel good enough to exercise everyday. I have been rollerblading (with the running stroller), running (when its not a trillion degrees), and doing yoga.
So at this point I am -6 pounds. Because of the exercise and healthy food cravings. Its good weight to lose. At least that is what my midwife said, So I am just gonna go with the smaller thighs. =)
And I have been feeling the baby move for 2 weeks now. But as of a few days ago, I can lay down still and feel little tiny flips going on. Which is one of the happiest things in this entire world. And I know that, because I traveled the entire world. So I think that is what I am gonna go do now since Matthew is sleeping. Lay still, and spend some focused time with the lil nugget inside of me. =)
So I lll just write a bit about pregnancy so far.
If you know anything about Matthew inside of me. It was HARD and I was sick the entire time. And all I wanted was Dr. Pepper and Arby's Fries.
So for now. Out of my first trimester, I feel great.
I'm now 15 weeks.
I want salad and fruit all the time, and avocado.
I have not been over the toilet once because I was sick. Even in the first trimester. All clear.
I feel good enough to exercise everyday. I have been rollerblading (with the running stroller), running (when its not a trillion degrees), and doing yoga.
So at this point I am -6 pounds. Because of the exercise and healthy food cravings. Its good weight to lose. At least that is what my midwife said, So I am just gonna go with the smaller thighs. =)
And I have been feeling the baby move for 2 weeks now. But as of a few days ago, I can lay down still and feel little tiny flips going on. Which is one of the happiest things in this entire world. And I know that, because I traveled the entire world. So I think that is what I am gonna go do now since Matthew is sleeping. Lay still, and spend some focused time with the lil nugget inside of me. =)
Monday, July 9, 2012
Yah Right!
Matthew and I like to exercise a lot and he started to do some yoga with me in the mornings. I mean, he just tries the downward dog and then giggles and attempts to tackle me while I'm trying to keep my balance. It's pretty fun.
So I went on pinterest to find some pregnancy yoga to get these hips flexible, hoping this next baby will just fall out. haha. yah. ok. So anyways, I type in the search engine, "pregnant yoga" and this is the picture that comes up.
So I went on pinterest to find some pregnancy yoga to get these hips flexible, hoping this next baby will just fall out. haha. yah. ok. So anyways, I type in the search engine, "pregnant yoga" and this is the picture that comes up.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
And Update and A Bump
It has been a while. My husband made me aware of that last night.
Here is my little blog update.
* I just discovered yesterday that my entire back fence is lined with daisy plants. If you only had any idea how much this means to me. I cried. They are my favorite flower and will be residing in my house as long as they bloom!! Look at how big and perfect they came out.
* Mike is taking off the next 8 weeks of classes. It is a wonderful decision. A few reasons are that he needs some time and space to grieve the loss of his friend. It was just hard to function in that much business and hurt. Bible school is wonderful but at the same time can make Christ all just knowledge in your head. Mike wants to get back to his relationship with God and not just answering questions on tests. This will help so much in his grieving too. So he is gonna go on a little trip by himself to a cabin in the woods with only his bible and journal! SO good.
* In the next month our life is full of loved ones. It is incredible all the people in our lives that we will see from out of state and it is making my heart jump around excited. I also took my first overnight away from Matthew to go to Ohio for a baby shower. It was a little hard but it was great to spend the evening crafting with my mom and have an entire morning sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee and talk about anything and everything with my dad. Not to mention a wonderful scrabble date at my sisters favorite coffee house.
Pretty sister!
And the baby shower was for one of the most beautiful hearts I know. I cannot wait to see her be a mom. Sarah will be running around the woods barefoot with her little William and nursing him in trees. I can't wait.
* Im going on a little trip, alone, soon to visit a dear friend. It is not to have a mommy getaway. But to spend some quality time with her and let her know how much it means that she travels out here all the time. I really want to focus on her and stay in her studio apartment. I am so ready for this.
* Our roommate moved out. Bitter-Sweet. Nothing to complain about at all with her living with us. It was wonderful and I will miss her company But it is nice to have some space to bond as just our little family before the next baby comes. And now that some furniture has been moved out we have ALL this space. Matthew has been running around like the happiest person ever and mike and I already started "nesting" yesterday. My house has never been so organized and clean. EVER. It feels nice.
* And our little Matthew. Is FREAKING AWESOME! Im so in love and he makes me so happy inside. Wow! I love him. I was picking up his lunch off the floor that he was throwing and while I was picking it up he was throwing the rest in my hair. And all I thought is that I would not have it any other way. It would just be a bit more boring without him! UH. I love him.
* And finally. I am officially out of my 1st trimester. I am just over 13 weeks and sporting a little bump to prove it. It is fun and I feel GREAT. LOTS of exercise and I crave vegetables and tons of fruit. breads and pastas and sauces are BLAH to me. So that is good. Just a few eating out foods that blew our budget. But no toilet trips this time. I feel so blessed. But here is the bump so far.
13 weeks. Oh and just a little update. Mike thinks it is a girl. I think it is a boy. We will be happy either way. I daydream about both. How fun it would be to have 2 boys. WHAT A BLAST! But a little girl would be SO sweet and fun too. So I'm all about either.
It has been a while. My husband made me aware of that last night.
Here is my little blog update.
* I just discovered yesterday that my entire back fence is lined with daisy plants. If you only had any idea how much this means to me. I cried. They are my favorite flower and will be residing in my house as long as they bloom!! Look at how big and perfect they came out.
* Mike is taking off the next 8 weeks of classes. It is a wonderful decision. A few reasons are that he needs some time and space to grieve the loss of his friend. It was just hard to function in that much business and hurt. Bible school is wonderful but at the same time can make Christ all just knowledge in your head. Mike wants to get back to his relationship with God and not just answering questions on tests. This will help so much in his grieving too. So he is gonna go on a little trip by himself to a cabin in the woods with only his bible and journal! SO good.
* In the next month our life is full of loved ones. It is incredible all the people in our lives that we will see from out of state and it is making my heart jump around excited. I also took my first overnight away from Matthew to go to Ohio for a baby shower. It was a little hard but it was great to spend the evening crafting with my mom and have an entire morning sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee and talk about anything and everything with my dad. Not to mention a wonderful scrabble date at my sisters favorite coffee house.
Pretty sister!
And the baby shower was for one of the most beautiful hearts I know. I cannot wait to see her be a mom. Sarah will be running around the woods barefoot with her little William and nursing him in trees. I can't wait.
* Im going on a little trip, alone, soon to visit a dear friend. It is not to have a mommy getaway. But to spend some quality time with her and let her know how much it means that she travels out here all the time. I really want to focus on her and stay in her studio apartment. I am so ready for this.
* Our roommate moved out. Bitter-Sweet. Nothing to complain about at all with her living with us. It was wonderful and I will miss her company But it is nice to have some space to bond as just our little family before the next baby comes. And now that some furniture has been moved out we have ALL this space. Matthew has been running around like the happiest person ever and mike and I already started "nesting" yesterday. My house has never been so organized and clean. EVER. It feels nice.
* And our little Matthew. Is FREAKING AWESOME! Im so in love and he makes me so happy inside. Wow! I love him. I was picking up his lunch off the floor that he was throwing and while I was picking it up he was throwing the rest in my hair. And all I thought is that I would not have it any other way. It would just be a bit more boring without him! UH. I love him.
* And finally. I am officially out of my 1st trimester. I am just over 13 weeks and sporting a little bump to prove it. It is fun and I feel GREAT. LOTS of exercise and I crave vegetables and tons of fruit. breads and pastas and sauces are BLAH to me. So that is good. Just a few eating out foods that blew our budget. But no toilet trips this time. I feel so blessed. But here is the bump so far.
13 weeks. Oh and just a little update. Mike thinks it is a girl. I think it is a boy. We will be happy either way. I daydream about both. How fun it would be to have 2 boys. WHAT A BLAST! But a little girl would be SO sweet and fun too. So I'm all about either.
Monday, June 18, 2012
I cannot stop looking at this picture of Mike and Rob at their High School graduation.
What a great shot of their friendship.
There is such a void in my husband, naturally.
But It has been so wonderful to see all of Robs close friends and family come together.
There are new relationships forming and old ones starting again.
This can be victorious, somehow.
Friday, June 15, 2012
(Mike with one of our groomsman, Rob, at our wedding)
I will never in my life forget my husbands face when he got the call that he lost one of his best friends.
It has been a few days full of lots of pain, confusion, and lots of people uniting in love.
Rob (right) was one amazing man, worthy of living,
we all just wished he believed it for himself.
I will never understand this.
Prayers are needed for friends and family to experience supernatural strength and hope.
Monday, June 11, 2012
The Last Ones
Well Everyone! These are the last pictures of Matthew that will be seen on a public internet blog.
Since I have lots of friends and family who do not see him much I am trying to come up with the best way for those i trust to view updated pictures of him. Once I get it figured out, I'll write an update for it and friends and family can contact me for a private web address and password, or something like that. Who wants to miss seeing this cute face anyways?
Friday, June 8, 2012
Is anyone else so pumped for the Olympics that you can hardly even contain your giddiness when telling your nephew what they are all about. AHHH! I cannot wait.
Two of my favorite things. Athletics and Culture. And they come together all at one time with athletes that leave you awestruck. I cannot wait to see those long distance Ethiopians practically float along the track. Uh, and see those marathoners run their marathon at a pace faster then I can sprint the 100m dash. Oh, and SOCCER! And those swimmers.
Ok. I could go on and on. But common people, the Olympics are here so soon. YAY!
Two of my favorite things. Athletics and Culture. And they come together all at one time with athletes that leave you awestruck. I cannot wait to see those long distance Ethiopians practically float along the track. Uh, and see those marathoners run their marathon at a pace faster then I can sprint the 100m dash. Oh, and SOCCER! And those swimmers.
Ok. I could go on and on. But common people, the Olympics are here so soon. YAY!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
I Want To Be Brave
I feel like a part of me doesn't feel brave anymore. I don't feel brave enough to step out into the dreams and plans God has on our life. I have become comfortable and desensitized and the realization that I have a choice of my path is hard. I have a choice to keep taking it easy and just cruise my way through life working my butt off just to have a condo on a golf course when I'm old or just holding onto the fact that I get to go to heaven when I die. Or I can step up to what God has for me here on earth and end life dirty and probably tired because I served people till the day I die, which always seems a bit harder, but always more beautiful. I am 100% certain of the things God has etched into my heart. Passions and desires. But they seem so far beyond my reach and scary to even think about stepping into. But with the Grace of God I don't want to miss it. I don't want to miss stepping into who God has called me to be. At church we have been doing a series on our God given dreams for our life. One of the ways we can know what they or it may be is that it keeps coming up. When I ask God what it is, the same thing just takes the wind right out of me and I can't breath because it is exactly what I'm made for but so scary at the same time. I believe we are called to each day and each person God puts in front of us, but there is something unique that we each are given to take responsibility for.
So honestly, right now, I still don't feel brave. And that in itself scares the heck out of me because I don't want to miss it. I want this dream so badly but everything tells me that I'm not good enough for it and that it is outrageous to even think about stepping out of my comfortable life. I want those days back where I lay sobbing on my bed in compassion for those in need and nothing, NOTHING, could stop me from getting my arms around them, except God himself. My family is my ministry but God has more for us than we can imagine right now. I feel like I am all talk sometimes and it is time to stop.
So I am just trying to process it all and get rid of distractions and clear my head to hear His voice more clearly.
So honestly, right now, I still don't feel brave. And that in itself scares the heck out of me because I don't want to miss it. I want this dream so badly but everything tells me that I'm not good enough for it and that it is outrageous to even think about stepping out of my comfortable life. I want those days back where I lay sobbing on my bed in compassion for those in need and nothing, NOTHING, could stop me from getting my arms around them, except God himself. My family is my ministry but God has more for us than we can imagine right now. I feel like I am all talk sometimes and it is time to stop.
So I am just trying to process it all and get rid of distractions and clear my head to hear His voice more clearly.
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