Sunday, October 28, 2012

Better At It

One thing I want to be better at is taking my unmet expectations and turning them around. I am not terrible with this, but I could be better. I remember reading a few different blogs from moms who did this so well (in the post they wrote about). Like, one night her toddler was up so awfully early it hurts to think about it and so they just decided to give up on going back to sleep and went to the kitchen to have milk and cookies instead. Or the one I just read about, the couple who was up super super early, probably with babies, and decided they better just make the best of it and make homemade cinnamon rolls. When I am tired I just don't make the best of it. I can tell you that. But I want to. This can only take practice. Today I will start. While Matthew and I had just got down for naps, about 20 minutes later we were woken up by something loud in our backyard and they were over. No signs of going back to sleep. So I have to move on right? Eyes burning and all. I'm heading out shortly to meet up with a friend for coffee, but as this little nugget arrives in 10 weeks and we have times where we all wake each other up, it's time to keep milk and cookies in stock. And that is my pep talk! Oh boy! Or shall we say boyS.

Oh, and happy 30 weeks to us!

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