Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Happy Notes

Eric is getting better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had the perfect morning with Matthew and my two nephews.

Matthew and Zechariah can play outside by themselves (with a fence) together, happy, for a few hours now. I didn't know it could get this easy.

My bump is a real bump now. I look like I did when I was about 7 or 8 months pregnant with Matthew here at only 21 weeks. And pants that fit me all through my time with Matthew in my belly, are out the window now.  But that is totally great, because this little guy in here is moving all around, and Im starting to get elbows and knees pushing out. Its the happy time of pregnancy where I can feel him with my hand. And hopefully the fact that some pants won't get over my hips means my hips are getting WIDE. Get as WIDE as you want hips, whatever it takes to get this baby out smooth. Boy does perspective change.

Work is going great. Even though Mike had to use all his time off so I can do mandatory hospital orientations. Hmmm. Hopefully he will accumulate enough just in time to take a week off with the baby. And since Matthew is in TOTAL daddy world right now, he hardly even notices the few hours I am gone here and there.

I got to share my story of my time in the Red Light District in Thailand at a safe house for trafficked girls in Toledo this weekend. I have to say, walking into a safe house that is going to house girls that go through everything they do, is overwhelming to say the least. They have a healing oasis there, that's for sure.

My son is rocking my world right now. I guess he always has, but boy oh boy is he my little love. I am loving seeing him grow into a very sweet and affectionate boy to us, family, and his little friends.Oh and his stuffed animals. The stuffed animals in our house receive tons of love and affection.

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