Friday, August 5, 2011

for daddy

so one of the reasons i have been taking a ton of pictures and posting them each day is because matthew and I are away from our man for a whole week. so in effort not to have michael miss seeing his son for this week of his life, i am trying to snap some moments of him each day. but who doesn't benefit from looking at so much cuteness anyways? also featured, are three of my favorite baby items. the first series of pictures is matthew sleeping in the sling. every once in a while the baby gets so over tired and gets so frustrated trying to fall asleep. that was the case for the poor baby today. and i know that when im over tired i always need mike to hold and cuddle me to sleep. and since matthew is only human, i figured he might need the same, so i tried out the sling and it worked like a charm. it took the edge off the over tired pain im pretty sure and he napped great in his crib later. man does it hurt when im over tired. and once we were cuddling i realized how much i needed the close cuddles since my husband is gone. so we both benefited from it. but i love his little sleeping faces. the next is his hat. i LOVE his baseball hat. not only is he adorable in it, but it keeps the sun out of his eyes and keeps his pale, almost bald head from burning. and then, a cloth diaper i am trying out. im sorry, but once i get me some more, i think this summer he hardly needs clothes. those diapers are cute enough.



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