Tuesday, September 27, 2011

High and My Phone. Again!

Welp. My phone picked an awesome time to stop working. Right before I do a big travel day alone with Matthew. Yikes. But in about two days I will be seeing my sister. I cannot wait.

The past few days have been great and having some wonderful fellowship with friends has been awesome. But what topped it off was Today......

Today I went to my sister's bible study where we listened to a message from Beth Moore. I know how popular she is and I have never heard her before. DANG. I mean, get it girl. Ok. Well. Anyways. She was talking about how as humans we NEED and desire that feeling of being High. She backed this up in scripture. Who doesn't love exhilaration? But she says when we look for a high other than from Jesus it can get messy and empty. But she is spot on when she said that "there is no high like the Most High." I am witness to this. I mean, there have been times I have been worshiping Jesus and my body literally feels like it is in a different realm and oh does it feel good. That warm, tingle, and pure joy. I have a friend who laughs for hours on end when he is high on Jesus and it is just so wonderful. This high, the kind from Jesus, just draws us closer to him and gives overwhelming peace. It can calm stress and help us focus only on Him and leave us desiring him more and more. And more and more of Jesus is never a bad thing. I know many would call these mountain top experiences with God and I think he desires them for us. When we draw near to him we taste his presence and it is oh so sweet. It is full of revelation and full of joy, purity, and freedom.

I remember one time my sister became so high on Jesus after church, she came home and was in SOOO much peace that she literally could not talk. She COULD NOT talk. She was THAT peaceful. She tried to write out what had happened to her because she could not talk and later told us that God literally just took control of the pen and wrote "God is Good." She was not even going to write that, but somehow that is what came out on paper. God is so Good. Why wouldn't anyone want to taste that? There are so many more moments I could write, but for now, let us just leave with knowing how GOOD God IS!

There IS NO high like THE Most High! Being in the presence of His Glory is overwhelmingly beautiful!

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