Sunday, May 29, 2011


a year ago in may i was in vietnam. i was in my favorite city in the world. we rode motorbikes in the busy streets, had 50 cent fresh fruit smoothies, found an awesome salsa club, i hung out at a nursing home with THE cutest old people EVER!!!!, made a very close friend, met a man on the street whose wife used to work at the same hospital in MI that i worked at, did a free aerobics class in  the park, played with kids on the street, felt so close to Jesus, did karaoke for the first time, tried lots of strange food, walked the back allies and met people in their homes, read my favorite book of all time, went to a french art museum, held hands with my vietnamese friend through the vietnam war museum,  saw the sad reality at night with prostitutes lined down our street, and made one of the hardest decisions of my life as a leader. what a full month. it was one of the hardest and best months of my life. i really want to live there again just for a tad bit of time.

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