Tuesday, May 17, 2011

the not so puppy dogs and rainbows post

in one of my blogs i said that pictures do not speak a thousand words. let me just give a perfect example.

first of all. the past 3 days have been really hard and frustrating as a mom. matthew and i just dont seem to have our groove together for some reason. i have a constant headache and i really can only think of a few other times, maybe, that my patience has been so tested. at this moment i am so desperate for peace that i am letting him nurse and if he falls asleep doing so i am not going to even move him from me. i dont even want to take a chance of him waking up if i move him. he is so tired. sometimes you just have days you just do what you can to survive. today is one of them. so any mom encouragement is welcome.

anyways. my point about the pictures.

here is peaceful matthew in his car seat. or so it seems. it is true at the moment. oh and he sure is cute.

but quickly it all turned around. this young man screamed so hard that we had to pull over because he stopped breathing. my mom pulled him out and smacked his back till a bunch of crud came out that he got all stuck in his throat from screaming. it is so heart breaking to watch your child scream so hard and then all of a sudden not make a noise with eyes wide open, trying to breath. thank God he is fine. that was so hard. i really do love that little boy.

im praying for a few peaceful days coming up. thankful my husband was home this morning so i could go run and get my shower in. i cant imagine if i didnt.

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