Friday, February 1, 2013


Just me and the boys home tonight. Baby wakes up right after dinner. Right after Matthew woke up from his nap, I had 3 hours while Ben napped to play cars and bubbles and cars till dinner. We saved his movie time till Ben woke up so I put Matthew on the couch next to me while I nursed Ben. Matthew leans in as far as he can into my shoulder, puts his hand on Ben and says "baby", leans up and kisses me and cuddles in deeper. I let Ben nurse as long as possible so I don't have to leave that moment. Of both of them there. in their favorite spots. One cuddling mom while watching Veggie Tales, the other getting warm milk and we all three were so happy. SO Happy. Then we got in PJ's and read books and sang songs till the baby fell asleep and then the big kid went to sleep. And it was just perfect.