Friday, September 28, 2012
Not to brag, but I am. My in-laws just drove their motorcycle from MI to Myrtle beach and back, my mom is going to Kenya, my littlest sister is going to India, my sister in-law is pregnant, my oldest sister just started a furniture business out of her house with three little kids running around, my dad is doing a funeral for a guy that was shown an amazing vision from God before he died when he didn't believe in God quite yet, and this coming up week my brother in law is going to be on Ellen, Leno, Live with Kelly, and Good Morning America. And a few other things i can't say just yet. I'm just saying. It's kinda fun to be family with these people. Oh, and I am growing a human in my body.
Matthew and I went to our local library this morning. It was so cute to see him in toddler time. All the kids, listening to story time, dancing to songs, and doing a craft. Loved it. So we walked out of the library with a some art work of a Moose and there was a fun helicopter above us and the news everywhere, with a crowd, just waiting to find out soon whether Jimmy Hoffa is actually buried where they got their tip. So we shall see. Matthew may have seen history today; very unlikely, but just maybe. So as they drilled and dug away we got to see pretty cool media equipment and trucks that kept Matthew very entertained!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
This Season
Yay for Fall. It is the season for hot drinks and food. Lots of yummy desserts and crock-pot meals. mmm. im pregnant. its a good time for long naps and hot showers. and a time for knitting. but i decided i have three months as a mom to one. as i am absolutely determined to get in every ounce of time with my little guy and to pour in lots of of love to him before he has to share me, i absolutely know God is using this season in my life to grow me lots. So as it is a great season to sit with tea and read. im soaking up as much reading as i can from wise people with the time i have. since little mr. over here sleeps sometimes over 12 hours at night and still naps, i have no excuse but to stretch myself a bit and learn learn learn. here are my current reads and i am totally eating them up right now. so good.
"Lioness Arising" is incredible so far and we are studying it at Women's Bible study at church. One of the challenges is to stretch ourselves as we are made to be virtuous and capable daughters of God. So I'm really taking it seriously and my friend gave me the financial book to borrow today and Mike and I are both loving what I am getting out of it so far.

Mike and I have been doing everything we can to get ready for this new baby. We are getting our house in order, installing a dishwasher soon, getting our basement finished, nursery set up, better cloth diaper system, meal planning system, clutter gone, etc. But today I thought to myself how good and all that will be ;however, I have an infant coming. A newborn. I can do everything I can think of to do, but it does not mean I won't nave a newborn and a 21 month old toddler. The biggest preparation I can do is mentally prepare to not have it all together as I hope. And Mike and I committed to treat the first 6 weeks as a mini kid vacation. Meaning a vacation to focus on the transition of being parents of two. I will nurse my baby and cuddle my kids and sleep whenever I get a chance and not worry about anything else at all. OH, and not say no to any offer of help or get all upset if I feel like I don't have it figure out yet. Cuz I won't. It most likely will be one of the most lovely and exhausting times in our lives. But we are are going to prepare for it to be as such. I will tell myself that this baby will only be up all night for such a short amount of time, and to just enjoy the tiniest toes as of now. It will be wonderful, in just a short 3.5 months.
Monday, September 24, 2012
A Few Reasons
Just a few reasons why I love my husband.
Last night we kinda argued a bit. or a lot. about how I am always wanting the house to be super clean, and how he sometimes just wants to relax before it all has to get done. he does help a lot. he really does. but i can be a bit go go go go. and i said i liked the house clean before we relaxed. i told him yesterday that I would work on not being so task oriented. but today when he can home from work he started cleaning the kitchen and said, "you know. I decided today. if it matters to you that the house is clean before we relax, it should matter to me that the house is clean before we relax". so now as i relax with a messy house, he is doing the dishes. and his new thing is to do the dishes with his head phones on while listening to the monday night football pregame show from his laptop. whatever makes dishes more enjoyable for him. oh i love him.
another reason i love my husband. well, this was said by him. "you know you are a dad when you contemplate making your facebook status saying, 'does anyone have an adult size Tigger costume I can borrow for Halloween?' "
hahaha. i love him. yes. he'd do that for matthew.
Last night we kinda argued a bit. or a lot. about how I am always wanting the house to be super clean, and how he sometimes just wants to relax before it all has to get done. he does help a lot. he really does. but i can be a bit go go go go. and i said i liked the house clean before we relaxed. i told him yesterday that I would work on not being so task oriented. but today when he can home from work he started cleaning the kitchen and said, "you know. I decided today. if it matters to you that the house is clean before we relax, it should matter to me that the house is clean before we relax". so now as i relax with a messy house, he is doing the dishes. and his new thing is to do the dishes with his head phones on while listening to the monday night football pregame show from his laptop. whatever makes dishes more enjoyable for him. oh i love him.
another reason i love my husband. well, this was said by him. "you know you are a dad when you contemplate making your facebook status saying, 'does anyone have an adult size Tigger costume I can borrow for Halloween?' "
hahaha. i love him. yes. he'd do that for matthew.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
A Super Duper Thankful Post
I think it might be the weather. But I am feeling extremely thankful today.
* The weather. It feels like fall today! Hoodies are so cute on kids.
* Im thankful that my husband and his friends finally got my piano out of storage. Our house looks perfect with a piano in it.
* Every Tuesday our Sears outlet lets you get a free piece of clothing. No fine print. Walk in, have your free Sears card, walk out with a cute something. WONDERFUL. I got two great sweaters so far for the cool weather that should work during the pregnancy.
* My job is amazing. I love what I do. I love my co-workers and Supervisor. I love my patients. I love my flexible hours. I just love it all.
* I love that Matthew is on a new kick where he wants nothing to do with playing by himself. He wants me every second to be with him. If I try to change my clothes, I have the cutest little nugget suctioned to my leg. I love how much he wants me to be with him. So.......... that makes me love that he will sit and watch Pooh, happy, for 30 min while I use the bathroom, change my clothes, pack a bag to go somewhere fun, eat my breakfast, and maybe do a load of laundry. I never thought I'd say this, but TV has been magical for that short amount of time.
* I love that a 92 year old man told me today that I was really beautiful.
* I love that Matthew says, "your preety". we think that is what he is saying.
* I'm thankful for our cozy home and that I get to meet our newest son in 4 months. And that means we still have 4 months to get ready.
* Im thankful for technology. That we could find out we are having a boy before he is born. My craft and nesting bone is super satisfied.
* Im thankful for my friends and for a husband that likes hanging out with me.
* Im thankful that I have had three friends already give me maternity clothes to borrow.
* Im thankful that I get to wear scrubs to work.
* Im thankful that I get to be part of anti human-trafficking awareness recently.
* Im thankful that it is donut and cider season.
* Im thankful that my husband and I finally came up with a meal planning plan that we hope works!
* Im thankful that I have sisters that call me all the time even when they have nothing really to talk about. We just want to hear each other's voice.
* The weather. It feels like fall today! Hoodies are so cute on kids.
* Im thankful that my husband and his friends finally got my piano out of storage. Our house looks perfect with a piano in it.
* Every Tuesday our Sears outlet lets you get a free piece of clothing. No fine print. Walk in, have your free Sears card, walk out with a cute something. WONDERFUL. I got two great sweaters so far for the cool weather that should work during the pregnancy.
* My job is amazing. I love what I do. I love my co-workers and Supervisor. I love my patients. I love my flexible hours. I just love it all.
* I love that Matthew is on a new kick where he wants nothing to do with playing by himself. He wants me every second to be with him. If I try to change my clothes, I have the cutest little nugget suctioned to my leg. I love how much he wants me to be with him. So.......... that makes me love that he will sit and watch Pooh, happy, for 30 min while I use the bathroom, change my clothes, pack a bag to go somewhere fun, eat my breakfast, and maybe do a load of laundry. I never thought I'd say this, but TV has been magical for that short amount of time.
* I love that a 92 year old man told me today that I was really beautiful.
* I love that Matthew says, "your preety". we think that is what he is saying.
* I'm thankful for our cozy home and that I get to meet our newest son in 4 months. And that means we still have 4 months to get ready.
* Im thankful for technology. That we could find out we are having a boy before he is born. My craft and nesting bone is super satisfied.
* Im thankful for my friends and for a husband that likes hanging out with me.
* Im thankful that I have had three friends already give me maternity clothes to borrow.
* Im thankful that I get to wear scrubs to work.
* Im thankful that I get to be part of anti human-trafficking awareness recently.
* Im thankful that it is donut and cider season.
* Im thankful that my husband and I finally came up with a meal planning plan that we hope works!
* Im thankful that I have sisters that call me all the time even when they have nothing really to talk about. We just want to hear each other's voice.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
DaDa and Kicks
Mike was putting the side of his face on my stomach to feel little boy in there. We find this the most effective way for him to feel little kicks. While Matthew would immediatily start up all his best moves the second mike would touch my stomach, this little guy in my belly now, stops every bit of action the second he feels Mike there. It is kinda hilarious.
MIKE: Son, if you think I am fun, kick once. If you don't think I'm fun, kick twice.
LITTLE BOY: (nothing whatsoever)
It is just a tad sad to Mike, I must stay; however, since Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe right now, I don't feel too bad little baby boy is saving his play time for me. =) =) hehehe. I love my guys.
Oh, and when I mean that Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe, I mean it. For example, this morning. I go in Matthew's room to get him out of his crib when like usual, he immediately says, "DADA". I told him that dada is at work. So he starts to choke up and say "DaDa" again, very broken up, like he can hardly get it out it hurts too bad to say it. He then runs to our bed looking for mike. Saying "dada" and sobbing with his face in the bed where Mike sleeps. With him sobbing, I bring him right to his high chair for breakfast and he starts yelling at me very mad saying, "dada" and totally refused his breakfast. Gosh, it breaks my heart for him!! I'm still not quite sure what to do about it when Mike is gone, but it makes me happy that he is falling so much in love with his sweet Dad!
MIKE: Son, if you think I am fun, kick once. If you don't think I'm fun, kick twice.
LITTLE BOY: (nothing whatsoever)
It is just a tad sad to Mike, I must stay; however, since Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe right now, I don't feel too bad little baby boy is saving his play time for me. =) =) hehehe. I love my guys.
Oh, and when I mean that Matthew thinks Mike is the center of the universe, I mean it. For example, this morning. I go in Matthew's room to get him out of his crib when like usual, he immediately says, "DADA". I told him that dada is at work. So he starts to choke up and say "DaDa" again, very broken up, like he can hardly get it out it hurts too bad to say it. He then runs to our bed looking for mike. Saying "dada" and sobbing with his face in the bed where Mike sleeps. With him sobbing, I bring him right to his high chair for breakfast and he starts yelling at me very mad saying, "dada" and totally refused his breakfast. Gosh, it breaks my heart for him!! I'm still not quite sure what to do about it when Mike is gone, but it makes me happy that he is falling so much in love with his sweet Dad!
My Kiddos Dad
Mike and Matthew were hanging out and I overhear their conversation from the other room.
Matthew: (babble)
Mike: How's your soul? Huh? Hows your soul today? Do you want to pray with me?
My gosh! Melt my heart!
Matthew: (babble)
Mike: How's your soul? Huh? Hows your soul today? Do you want to pray with me?
My gosh! Melt my heart!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Keeping Up
In the last few days my stomach grew so much that the rest of my body is just trying to keep up with the extra. I'm only 5.5 months and I already feel like it is hard to move because it happened so fast that I just wasn't expecting it. When I was pregnant with Matthew my stomach grew at a slow and steady pace that I was able to adjust and I never felt huge really. This time. My gosh. I cannot imagine 4.5 months left still of growing. I'm big enough! HA! This should be an experience.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Husband Time
It has been about a week since I have had quality alone time with my husband. I do not remember the last time we went that long. Tonight we are going to enjoy the Michigan game while soaking in the best cuddles we have had in a while. I cannot wait. I have been thinking about it all day. I love him.
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