Wednesday, October 31, 2012
A Bit Pinteresty
Woke up and read lots of books to Matthew. Came up with a costume for Matthew (our borrowed one kinda didn't work right) Made homemade smoothie popsicles. Had coffee and banana bread at moms/playgroup. Have a candle burning while Matthew is napping and making my friends homemade butternut squash soup recipe that Matthew and I gobbled up at her house yesterday, with a little crocheting slipped in there in a clean house. Not gonna lie. I'm feeling a bit pinteresty today. These days are rare and beautiful.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Best Moment
...and just maybe the best moment of the month happened this morning.......Matthew sat on the couch facing me while we cuddled, gave kisses, hugged, exchanged stories and funny faces.....and then....he hugged my belly and said "baby", kissing it, then putting the side of his face on my belly he felt his little brother kick numerous times while he kept saying "" and then kissing my belly again.
Are you kidding me? Let me never EVER forget that moment!
Are you kidding me? Let me never EVER forget that moment!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Better At It
One thing I want to be better at is taking my unmet expectations and turning them around. I am not terrible with this, but I could be better. I remember reading a few different blogs from moms who did this so well (in the post they wrote about). Like, one night her toddler was up so awfully early it hurts to think about it and so they just decided to give up on going back to sleep and went to the kitchen to have milk and cookies instead. Or the one I just read about, the couple who was up super super early, probably with babies, and decided they better just make the best of it and make homemade cinnamon rolls. When I am tired I just don't make the best of it. I can tell you that. But I want to. This can only take practice. Today I will start. While Matthew and I had just got down for naps, about 20 minutes later we were woken up by something loud in our backyard and they were over. No signs of going back to sleep. So I have to move on right? Eyes burning and all. I'm heading out shortly to meet up with a friend for coffee, but as this little nugget arrives in 10 weeks and we have times where we all wake each other up, it's time to keep milk and cookies in stock. And that is my pep talk! Oh boy! Or shall we say boyS.
Oh, and happy 30 weeks to us!
Oh, and happy 30 weeks to us!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Those Cold Mornings
Ive probably made it clear how much I love my guys; Michael and Matthew that is.
They rock my world.
And I really have no exciting things to blog about but I do have to say, those cold dark mornings where people have to get up to go to work- well being a stay at home mom is where it is at. Saturdays are when I have to get up before 630 so I can get to work on time. oh pitiful me huh? and today I had to wear a hoodie and a winter coat in the eerie and dark cold and became forever thankful to be home with matthew instead. Where I can make a hot breakfast and stay in my PJs while we cuddle and read books until we want to leave when the sun is out. That's going to be really nice this winter. So thankful for my husband who gets out the door close to 5am in the very uninviting weather that early in the morning. AND he never complains about it. I think I "ughed" my whole way out of bed this morning. HA!
Oh, and other random thought. We got Matthew a little play vacuum cleaner. Let's just say, he is VERY thorough.
They rock my world.
And I really have no exciting things to blog about but I do have to say, those cold dark mornings where people have to get up to go to work- well being a stay at home mom is where it is at. Saturdays are when I have to get up before 630 so I can get to work on time. oh pitiful me huh? and today I had to wear a hoodie and a winter coat in the eerie and dark cold and became forever thankful to be home with matthew instead. Where I can make a hot breakfast and stay in my PJs while we cuddle and read books until we want to leave when the sun is out. That's going to be really nice this winter. So thankful for my husband who gets out the door close to 5am in the very uninviting weather that early in the morning. AND he never complains about it. I think I "ughed" my whole way out of bed this morning. HA!
Oh, and other random thought. We got Matthew a little play vacuum cleaner. Let's just say, he is VERY thorough.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Little man slept from 7:30pm -10am today. And he only popped up out of his crib at 10 because I decided to peek and make sure he didn't run away in the middle of the night. OK. Maybe I was getting a little nervous. But it sure made for a happy, pleasant, and polite little boy and he even asked for his nap today. It makes me wonder what is coming next. I know changes in sleep patterns can mean hitting new milestones and I'm excited and a little antsy about him growing up much more (even if it is just another tooth). I could bottle up this age forever!
So what did I do till 10? Um. Stayed in bed and read a book, folded a LITTLE laundry, ate slow, and actually decided to take time on my computer and read some articles that I pinned on pinterest. AND, missed Matthew. While I would never complain about a quiet morning by myself, I missed him. By 9 I was ready to hear him shout "MOOOOM" from his bed so we could start our day. Yea, I enjoy him that much.
But back to pinterest. For moms of boys, this article is FABULOUS. It makes it fun, encouraging, and a little less confusing about being a mom to a boy. While I am totally not into comparing boys and girls in the way they play, (my girly little niece LOVES to tackle, play in the mud, and is the biggest risk taker of a kid I know) boys and girls do have different brains. I really know this, I'm married. But I LOVE boys and am super excited to have two boys to rough house with and to stand at the street corner and watch semi-trucks go by for an hour (yes, we do that). So moms AND dads of boys, check out this article. It is wonderful.
And maybe the last point in the article, #17, just made me cry. I agree 10,000%.
17. Enjoy his boyness. Michael Gurian, wrote another book called “The Wonder of Boys" and in an interview with Newsweek magazine (1998) he said, “If Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were alive today we would say they had ADD or a conduct disorder. They [boys] are who they are, and we need to love them for who they are. Let’s not try to rewire them.” A mom, who respects her son's energy level, creativity, sensitivity, unique learning style, need for movement, and special sense of wonder, teaches her son to enjoy being a boy.
For a mom, raising boys is both a challenge and an opportunity to obtain a special glimpse of the world from a boy's point of view.
So what did I do till 10? Um. Stayed in bed and read a book, folded a LITTLE laundry, ate slow, and actually decided to take time on my computer and read some articles that I pinned on pinterest. AND, missed Matthew. While I would never complain about a quiet morning by myself, I missed him. By 9 I was ready to hear him shout "MOOOOM" from his bed so we could start our day. Yea, I enjoy him that much.
But back to pinterest. For moms of boys, this article is FABULOUS. It makes it fun, encouraging, and a little less confusing about being a mom to a boy. While I am totally not into comparing boys and girls in the way they play, (my girly little niece LOVES to tackle, play in the mud, and is the biggest risk taker of a kid I know) boys and girls do have different brains. I really know this, I'm married. But I LOVE boys and am super excited to have two boys to rough house with and to stand at the street corner and watch semi-trucks go by for an hour (yes, we do that). So moms AND dads of boys, check out this article. It is wonderful.
And maybe the last point in the article, #17, just made me cry. I agree 10,000%.
17. Enjoy his boyness. Michael Gurian, wrote another book called “The Wonder of Boys" and in an interview with Newsweek magazine (1998) he said, “If Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer were alive today we would say they had ADD or a conduct disorder. They [boys] are who they are, and we need to love them for who they are. Let’s not try to rewire them.” A mom, who respects her son's energy level, creativity, sensitivity, unique learning style, need for movement, and special sense of wonder, teaches her son to enjoy being a boy.
For a mom, raising boys is both a challenge and an opportunity to obtain a special glimpse of the world from a boy's point of view.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Just Big
MIKE: Babe. You are really pregnant now.
ME: I know. I am HUGE!
MIKE: Noooooooo. You're not huge.
ME: No? Than what am I?
Well...Thats better!!!
Hahaha. love him. he tried.
ME: I know. I am HUGE!
MIKE: Noooooooo. You're not huge.
ME: No? Than what am I?
Well...Thats better!!!
Hahaha. love him. he tried.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Looking Back and Forward
Sometimes when I look back and read what I wrote about motherhood when Matthew was a newborn, I just want to cringe. I just complained a lot and sounded miserable. And while lots of it was depression, ( you know it was depression when you thought your 2 month old was manipulating you but now think your 18 month old could do nothing of the sort) I have a whole new outlook on it now. It's amazing and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I definitely have a different view of it going on to this second baby. Hopefully the transition to having a newborn again will be different this time around. I know I will have two kids this time, but I think I will understand the newborn stage a little better. I hope. Next week I will be in the 30 weeks mark. Crazy. Up to 30 weeks I feel like I am counting up in my pregnancy, now is the count down. Im starting to really feel some Braxton Hicks contractions. Ah. It makes me realize that he is gonna be here before we know it and we gotta start really getting ready now!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Home With Them
So I'm not complaining about having to go into work every so often. Mike and I said that if we chose it, we have no right to complain about it. But I can say this; being with Mike and Matthew beats anything, any day. So even though I love the work that I do at the hospital and couldn't work for a better place, leaving them to go sometimes is really really hard! I definitely think the whole "needing a break" from your kids and husband is very overrated. That is the last thing I ever need. Their warm hugs and kisses never get old. ;) For now Ill catch a nap before I head to work for a few hours! This belly is growing like craazy!
Sunday, October 14, 2012
No Soliciting
I understand "no soliciting" signs sometimes. but you know the houses that have them, plus the "beware of dog" sign, plus always have their shades closed? not friendly. I love the houses that say "WELCOME" on the front. so happy. and while i dont really care about whether I have a no soliciting sign because i dont mind talking to people, this sign is AWESOME. its just friendly and hilarious and every one of them is true for our little home over here, especially the part about the thin mints. michael and i had to just laugh really hard.

Feeling Blessed
I am feeling so blessed over here.
I mean...I just spent 2 wonderful days with Matthew at my parents while my husband deep cleaned our house. What a man. He also ordered me Jimmy Johns after my glucose test to get fooood in me, while giving me gift cards to Target and Bath and Body Works that he earned at work, and also, he surprised me with a prenatal massage for Wednesday. He set it up and everything. Also, Mike and I decided to start saving for a new bed since our mattress is a full size and forever old and squeaks like crazy, waking us up all night long. Well, just the other day Mikes parents gave us their only 3 year old king size bed that we slept on fantastic last night. They GAVE it to us. FREE. Oh wow. Sweet people. My desire to sprawl out at this point of my pregnancy is totally satisfied now. ahhhh.
Sometimes I just cannot believe what God has blessed us with. I don't ever want to take it for granted. And I always want to remember that I am not entitled to any of this. It is luxury and blessing all the comforts we are given and there are too many people out there that don't even have things like clean water, and I can only remember that the more I am given the more responsibility I have to give back. God is just too good and he wants us to take care of each other. So many people have taken care of us since we came home from the race that it just makes me want to do the same. Pay it Forward I guess!!!
Love Love
I mean...I just spent 2 wonderful days with Matthew at my parents while my husband deep cleaned our house. What a man. He also ordered me Jimmy Johns after my glucose test to get fooood in me, while giving me gift cards to Target and Bath and Body Works that he earned at work, and also, he surprised me with a prenatal massage for Wednesday. He set it up and everything. Also, Mike and I decided to start saving for a new bed since our mattress is a full size and forever old and squeaks like crazy, waking us up all night long. Well, just the other day Mikes parents gave us their only 3 year old king size bed that we slept on fantastic last night. They GAVE it to us. FREE. Oh wow. Sweet people. My desire to sprawl out at this point of my pregnancy is totally satisfied now. ahhhh.
Sometimes I just cannot believe what God has blessed us with. I don't ever want to take it for granted. And I always want to remember that I am not entitled to any of this. It is luxury and blessing all the comforts we are given and there are too many people out there that don't even have things like clean water, and I can only remember that the more I am given the more responsibility I have to give back. God is just too good and he wants us to take care of each other. So many people have taken care of us since we came home from the race that it just makes me want to do the same. Pay it Forward I guess!!!
Love Love
Sunday, October 7, 2012
a duo
Matthew and I make and interesting duo nowadays. While my belly is actively growing larger and larger, so are matthew's active muscles and bones. So while I prefer to be horizontal, God has permanently left little man's active switch to the "on" setting; especially since he learned how to run. Its.............interesting.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
26 Weeks
26 Weeks
Or I like to say 6.5 months
I don't really have too many pregnancy symptoms other than a growing belly.
Matthew did make me laugh so hard one night that my acid reflux kicked in really bad.
And, the only other thing really is to BEWARE OF PREGNANT GIRL EMOTIONS!
Yup, my hormones have kicked in high gear. I am so weepy and super sensitive, which I hate, but I guess it is better than puking. I wonder what my husbands opinion is on that one though.
I can't wait to meet this little fellow; however, I am not ready to be a mom of two. But I am willing to 3 months.
Have a beautiful day everyone, and as Matthew would say. "Mwah"
Monday, October 1, 2012
My brother in-law played guitar on Ellen today with Cher Lloyd.
If you are looking at the screen he is the guy with the guitar and microphone on the left.
So cool. He will be with her on Leno tonight and I think Kelly Ripa on Thursday. And something else I can't remember. Makes me miss my sister and him while they live out in CA. But hopefully we get to go see them in March as a family of 4. When I told Matthew that Uncle Jon was going to be on TV he started to dance. So cute.
This 2nd video is him playing acoustic with her.
If you are looking at the screen he is the guy with the guitar and microphone on the left.
So cool. He will be with her on Leno tonight and I think Kelly Ripa on Thursday. And something else I can't remember. Makes me miss my sister and him while they live out in CA. But hopefully we get to go see them in March as a family of 4. When I told Matthew that Uncle Jon was going to be on TV he started to dance. So cute.
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